Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — No Amalgamation. [ARTICLE]

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No Amalgamation.

Tbe Amerio«n League aml the i Sehuetzen club will not eomhine. 1 but eaeh orcaniiation wiil puiaue ita own coui>e.—The Schuetzen elub seems to favor the a:i:a!camation while tbe League ehons no ] antiety loopen its doon to tbe in- , t«rnaboual Verein. The attit*ule ofibe Schu(t*en club’s menibers led to the rvs'<gnation of Caplain Klemme wbo ie upenly opposed t>.* ) the Leagoe and everything eoonecved with Mr. Murray’s litth iaaih. But tbe rorW will conti nue to move on.