Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Lively Times. [ARTICLE]
Lively Times.
The sj>\ru seen\s to hnve sei/.oil tho Jai»»neso in Kom Hawaii aml somo startliug reports wore broupbl ilowu by the MalnUni. On tho iu=it., there \vasa fr©e tight at Keei in South Kona. The result w.is ino killeil, one woanded aud a polieeman serious!y iujured; Eleven Japauese took part in tho baitle and have all beou nrrestcd. Johu Gaspar, a Portuguese, haa bcen coiuraitted for tri«l by the magistrate at Hookoua > u u chargo of having iustigHted the row. Two poliee otllcors have boou arrested f>>r asaault with a daugorous weapon and will be tried shortlyAt am>ther plaee in Kona on thc 4th inst., a Japiuo.se u,ttued Nishimoto Tzuro murdered a Jaanese j»olico offioer in lheemplny ! of the Naalehu plantation. Thr ! mnixlerer whs a desorted contract laborer and when fo«ud by the officer resisted him usiug an hx with whieh he tiually cruslnd the skull of the officer killiug him im>lantnneonsly. Ho was j captured by two naiives aud brought to llonolnlu yeetext)ay. When coufrontcd with the rem nanis of his victim, he coufesstd his guilty. Four Japnncsr who witoessod the killing, \\oro brought to towu for safe-keeping.