Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LWAS [ARTICLE]

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I C0XSTITlTI0N and I.AWS Framed bv thd Missioimries. LAWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 0 CHA?TER XLI. LAW PROHIBlTrNO THE M\NT'FACTURE AXD USE 0F 1XT0XICATING DUINKS. In onr inqniric8 «fl o r the hest me>ns nf promnt’ni» t v e inte r *'«ts of th<* K«np lom, it has npp>->nre<l to ns lhnt increa«'* in the prodnction of fv>d is of cre.«t imp«»rianc©. Scarcity of f >0(1 is of conrso a prert evil t > the conntry. It is said thnt the pr-sent is a t>me of scarcity, «nd we thoref>re hiv**Aeen senrchirc f>r the enua» of t. One reas>n \ve-i«c>rt lin '0 bo ihe folh>wine. Art'c'es of f.> l p>t'to>-i, ««•ig *r emo,’ne'l >ns »nd >th r thing« ,ire t iken and trs»n»f>rm»d >nt • int>r'citing drnk; the p®»pie remiin in id!ene>s. wiihi'il 1>b >r, in e >nsoq ienc> of the : r lv"nz dnnk; irheref>re the I>nd is gro>vn over wi>h weeds and is impoveriahed. In c>n«“q'i3nco of ourdegire to pr>m>ti tho orderaod welfireof tho k : ngd>m, hav<> a«sembled t> rell“ct on the aubject. and now e:nct this law. I. If any rnan tike p >t»t>es. s igir emo, mell»ns or any <>ther >rt cle <>f f>>d, and transfor ti it to an int>x cating l;q i >r, aiul dri k : t. h“ sh ill bo 0 i d >n • d >11 »r, md if he do th ‘ iiko ig »in. tno fiai sh ill be tvo d >!l trs thus the fine shall ba d > ib; d for evt*ry off;i)se ev-u t > the utmost extent. 2 If any one miko an int>xicit ng Iiq i»r s «eh as is uient<oned abovo. and g'vo it t> another t> drink, he to> ahall be fi ied nee >rrling to the first sectu>n of this law. 3. Whos >ever ah.ill drink that wh eh annther h.is prepsred in <>r<ler t> pr uliieo int>xication as mentioned ab>ve, he t>o has vio!ated this law. and ahili b> ti ie i iu the sume aianner as he who prep*red the drink. 4. If a nnn be fi ied aee >rding t> the ab >ve req i:rem'nt, and lnve n> <noney, he miy than uiy his nne in pr k! lee. or if he h’ive no pr >d<icj, he ra»y p»y it i i 1ah >r, the lab?r heing pr>porth>ned to tho am >u*it of the fi ie, or if he do n«>t lah >r aee >rii;ig t > Ihe roq iiro neul, the n mishra >:it miy he incroi»e l or he miy ba confine ! in ir>ns. 5. When this law is procl.iirnod by a crier in any villsge. t'ie d iy of its pr >clamatio> s i dl h.* the diy Ih it it t ikes effecl at th t plaeo. Bat if it ba n>t pr >clairajd it ahall t iko effoct en the lastdiy of Xovernher, at ali the plaeea at thes? Hawaiian Islands. £nacted by the Iheae Hiwaiian Ialanda, at H>no!ulu. Oiha. this first diy of Oct>ber. iu the year >>f our L >rd 1840. (Signed,) KAMEHAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHl. V, '■* • ‘-y\ ... *■’ * • CEAPTER XLII. A LAW RE8PECTIXG STAB3IN(i WITH A KNIFE AXD CARRYING INSTRU \IEXT3 0F D :.\TH M «ny evīl «nindod i*ers>ns he »*>g ->g t > the ahippi »g. h»v!«>2 while -‘i s r c» ;i q,t ? ed v r. •5« er m iil -.cts wth ki:Vv», etc.. X tV g> er d ‘g r f! f> nd ! mb. It s t e r fore >arvby u .d«> k,»v t j r- ■* »vh ts - iv»r. Th t f y >ers>: r rs s re r ftsr t ft >n w t : » ak»f . s« rd *ri>ur, >*r .x*iyl'i r d *g rus >n »n h a or th ir o «e* «a u. ue >r t *i/ b> u) a il' t»!j i d od t k«»»t» «we { >t\ *ind m es« g• d o*us- he -o vq frhv gsvh d * r»i* w.• »> le e t »ey sh»ll f*r ev ‘ry s ,ch i.»y fi o fto id d re, »r r cv.ve iw-uty fiv« ou thv h »uL