Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Pire, Lifc & iyiarinc IMSURANCE. ' HARTFORD FIRE TXSURAXCE C0.. Assets, $ 7.109,825.4H LOXDOX-LAXCASHIRE fire ixs. co.. Assets. $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO., ♦ Assets, 6,r24,057.00 c XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Assets, 6137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geuerul Ageot for the Hawaiian ls and3. llonolulu H V: IMPORTEES AND DEALEES IN Grroceries, Provisions AXT) Feed, C0RNER FORT & KLNG;STS. New €roods Rec ? d By every Packet frora the Eastern States aml Europe. Fresh CaIiforuia l'roduce by every stearaer. All orders faithfully attended tr», and Gords delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. lsland Orders S'>licited. Sat sfaction Guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145, Telephoue No. 92. THE H0N0LUUJ_S0AP H0USE. 8ella tUe vcry best qaality of 80AP at ?4.50 per 100 pouml-i and 17 bars of 23 ponml» honest »eīght for ( 1.23. GERMAN BLUE CaSTILE S0AP, mannfactured by Grans Bros., Maunheim, Germany, at 10 cents per |>ound. TOILET 80AP, rctail at wholeeale pricea. SOFT 8ŌAP in tins of 42 pounds, 81.23. 8TEAUIC WAX MININ6 CANDLES. manufactnred by ihe Emrcy Candle Works of einoinali, Ohio, 12 ('aiuliea for23 cents. KIA WE FIRE WOOI). f!0 per cord. T1 e same cut in blocks ofI2 inehea lonu at anv quantity from fl up. Delivered fre« of chanre to anv part of thec!tv. KIA WE CHARCOAL at 40 eents a sa< k. Uichmond. Va,. CEDAR WOOD POI PAIL8 flnishe<i wiih bra—< hoop<. 8mall slze 30 ceuls; lar>;e sizc 75 cents Empty Vinegar and Wlne BARUEL8 as water receivera at $1. K1TCHEN 8ALT in sacks of pounds, 30 et-< TABLESALT giveu awav. Hiehest oash pricc paid for HIDES, 8KIN8 ami TA^LOW THKEE (3) PACKAGE8, eoulaiuiin: 30 BOXF.8 of TOKIO PAULOU MATCF1E8, only TEN CENTS. x. EiiEHAM, Muluai Teleph >ne 314. Bethel Street angO I’ 0. Bnx 480. Mi’īual Ielephone 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy UewandSecond Hand Fnrnitnre IS A.T THE T “V T Honolulu King ANuuanu Sts. i XX i i „ L S. NiSHIMURA, Commission Merchant, 19 Nnnann Hoaolnln. ISCPORTERS ac<l DEALEKS in i APAN tea dri goods, SILKS aad PROVI81CS8. Sew Goods ErerT Meascr. Uataal Telpbow. 317. *ept 6~it SMŌKEBi, iTĪKSTXOX. - - ■ HoUsttr k &>. have teceived * fortber |ripply of tbe celebnted G. B. D p*pes direct txom the facbory «s well u s aew eto« of amhrr ao4 taaancb««s cāg«r »od c hj*deta. Ai*» PANĪHEON SALOON, i FORT AXD HOTEL 3T3. Headiiaarters Eaterprise Mmg Go. rrrc Largf*st ConsigDRient of Beer that ever arr<ved bere, not? on DratigLt .Tb J. DODD, Prop’r S1.\G 1T E.\ KEE, TINSM1TH and DEALER IX IINWAEE. Pipitig L.t;d «nd R-paircd. AU Orders Proroptiy Attended lo. ChATges Vcry Moder<*te. C*U aod See Us. Xow #22 Maunakea St,, iiooolulu. iy20 ltu