Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

! Clioice piorses ON T SaturSay. - Sept. 29, at 12 o’eloek noon, I will sell at Public Auction iu front of my Soles Room without reserve, the following HnrsES and Mares, 1 Fami!v bbick borse, 15$ hands 7 vears old, broken to har- • * ness and s tddte ( 1 Kiee horse Tr..veler,” best 4 mile horse in the Hawaiian lsiands 2 B»y liorses broken to sadd e i.ihI harness 1 \Vh'te mare with foal, broken to s.dd e aod iiarne?> 1 Wliile horse, broken to saddle and harness 1 Stmford m»re “ llth June/ 1 “ “ with foal l -Boswell “ 3 vears old LE\\TS J. LEVEY> Anotioneēr. Capt. Wm. Davles, Kio^o^ei', Stevedore and W i^eekep. estimates akd contracts osj ALL KISD8 0F WOEK. Stcamcr Waimanaio wiil run re* ifiiLir ‘o \Vaī:inae, Waialua «nd \V*y Ltndiiig. luōaii | t offo ot J, ?, Walu»J^tc7 -