Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
<Thc iiolomiu (T.ilfndar. SEF'T 10 1804. kohim;* ’mil srnvirr. « will leave for an<l «rr ve ■ .) S:m FrAnri9ro *nd otber foreign , rn or »bont tbe folloving 4«te9. vr«src« is],port. |NAVAL VRWKL9. H 1; ?>l S Ifyacinth, May, E»{|;imult, B. C. MEWIIANĪM F.V. \: 1 l;t;ie S N Cm,tle, Hnbbard, San Fran. ., r 1 k Senta. Tiemann, I iyerpool. \V ST:iIbot, H'ohnm.NeweaaUe N S W. Mk K I’ Rithei. v. or ,ihon, S F. I »Mie Planler, Dow, Lysan Islaml. 1 D Brya:it, Jacobsen, S F. ] , \ .«eiiy, M irtin, IloiigVoug. ,r i;ol>- rt Lewērs, Ooo-ltnan. Wa bington ]1 vituarn, l’mwn. New«*nstle, NS W. \ l«k Martba Dayid,Cem«x B. C. lik Ceylon, San Fr«nciswv>. ,•, S. AnKlmlia, Sun Francis«oo > . l ;un ■ eiamiina Nelson, Faug’s Isl. i oufi4.ii vi.sm;m rxPErrr.D. A: l.k W S Phel)W On»y’s IIar... .Dne s i r Alleu A S F(Mah) <lue s !ir K>U rt I.i‘wcrs... Or..y’H b’r Dne i N> wc tstlē.... Ang. 20 >• !ir Sudie,... S F (K«h)....Ang. 20 it . i>SS Belgic Yokohama.. Ang. 21 ; D 15ry.mt S F Ang. 22 MS S Mnnpoaa.. Syduey Aug. 23 ! i(lS Wilcox Middlesborough. Ang25 ; ASS Aiawa V«ncouv6r... Aug. 24 ■ s S Ahuuēila S P Aug. 30 A S s \V M rriinoo Sydney Ang. 30 MS S ehina San Fiau 8ept. 3 ltktie <K>hn Smith... .Newcastle..Sept. 4 t>k l’aul Isēuberb. ,Bremen... .Nov. 1 ; i! k R >uteubeck Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 Kn. Heqtia of iheEmpireSaloon has made a uew deal whieh will i.iueh t!ie hoart8, or at least the )> ilates of raany a tbirsty xvander* ii He keeps *‘half-and-half ’ ini draught and serves a raost de cious aud eool beverage, far snperior to “plain" beer. se 17 tf J. J Williama tbd well-knowu Artistic Photographer is raaking ti specialty of portraits on Watch l>i < ls aud t>ilk Handkerchiefs. (,'oiupleie sets of Lautern slides uclares eau bo hud ut thegallery. For they are sold at a reasouable t'igure by the dozeu or by tho hundred. * S..ft soap ini<u’s Ooekiail 5 cents ;i g'i<s8 so!d only to ealvations etc M Bvthel H&il. Bethel Strett K. BREHAM. Bethel St. Mutual Tel. 314. ang 22 * CARD OF NOTICE. i i < 1 i < i i i < 1 1 < 1 ] 1 1 t 1 1 i ( I < i i r 4 j. L . !. < i Schnrf A Co.. will remove to Ar lingt n Block Hotel Street. tvhere tlrev will be better uble to 8erve ar.d pie.ise their P«tron9, Will keep on band all tho laUsl papere. B>«ok Swth>nery. Perīodicals A Novdtics, iu all branches of the tr.»de. se 14 tf en^mi —OF TUE — IX PROBATE. I» the ra»tter of Uie c»ute of R6se M6lti.no. Ule of Uonolala, Oahu. dese«*e<l, tnOo tbe re*dluf md tiUug thc pellUon of MUs NAScy stILL.HAS of i*W Monolnln. nih CTUj; ;iat Ro«c Uolieao of Mld Honoluia, die»i «iiēauu- «i Mod Hwnoluln. on ti»e 4th <t*> uf i. 61UM7. A D. ned pr»ylng that LēUer» ol Adramwtrnlioa i»»ue to ber, Mīd Stom SUiirann. li i- or>ii mi, rh»t oo FRIDAT. tbe 2lsl dav f .sFIM K\taSH. A. D. 1991, t»e »od bereby j i> i<p|>uinttvl for haihuK taid pet)tkm, in tbc eouneooin ..1 tbi> Court, »t llouoiula. st '* ■<• t» l. 11 , «oU |>Uce s)l penmu» <-o»<-> rurd u>»\ «p;, » r «ium». U »ny lbē> liaie, «*■> Mid ivtition >nou!d noi bc cnui(ed. D«!<h iioaolnin, M, i- *■ A D DY TH£ Cul BT. F. Fstbu»o