Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — THE Y.H. INSTITUTE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


W:^Entertain Tae i.ei * fi<tv orgauized«-< raong yonug \Haw>itins &nd known «s the Toung H«waiians Institute will give a to- : oight at the Y. M. C A- Hall. Tfie newly e.ec*ed officers will be < iust dled in the earlier p«rt of the evenicg whereafter tbe folprogramme will be rendered; 1 Overturo ‘ S »Tcreign ' Hermana Tr fessor Berger s Orchestra 2 lntroductoiy | 3Cb rus—“De.=erted Iam ’ ... I Memb rs Y. H. I. • 4 Vocal Solo—“ehan^elea» - ... j Jair.es W. McGuire. 5 Instrumental Qaartette j Me>srs. Ileiiman, J. Hosen. A. Marqnes and Brandt. 6 Chorus—“Coritbian” j Members Y. H. I. 7 8e!ection—“Enchantress ”. . Hermanu rrofe»->or Borger‘s Orchestra. 8 Vocul So!o- "Open Thy Liiliee” W. J. Cnelho • . 9 Instrumental Duet “Serenade’’ | Teli d Brandt. ■ 1U Chorns—“Beiger’s Band” Membors Y. II. I. 1 ( 1 Capttin Wo1ters, well-knnwn t in H uolnln is tbe master rf the 1 ;G. N. Wdcox. Tbe captain who is an f*xperienoed sai!or has never t met with any misfortnne during t his uumerous years of service. 1 His raiiiy friends here heartily syrai«ath : ze with him. ~ _ , j A spiendid hunting outfit <s offerid for si!e bv Mr. \V. M. Cunningham. This t:ue sportsman has i r s >mo uuexpiHined re«sons been deprived of bis sbooting liee ise l>y the imm ieul ile government aiul he eiu dispeuse in thc fut ;re with dogs, guns and other linntiug aecoutrements. The nuuumua eportsmen in Honolulu will fiud a good chmeetig>ta a really s,'orting outfit. n