Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
N° *:g, s of tLe Honn»ai. The ban<l will p!»y at the hotel l » night if the Monowei arrircs " j -Ingde Co«»per will ieeve on the i Mouowai for San Francisco. i ’ — j The iwulani «rriveti this mor- ! ning. C. Scharf h»s moved t > H</tel street, onder the ArIinpton Hot<4. Mutual Telephone 621. Marshal Hilehooek wit!i aid de eamp Chestor D <yle returned lo } Honolulu in the Malulani. President Dole is enjoying horse-bick riding in the earlv morning. ‘ Converts' are s!ow!v l>ein£i • O gathered in by the celebration array. l*rofe«sor Berger ut his Ust < concert played a very line selectiou of Danish tnelodies whieh were highly appreciated There was a small blaze at the residenco of Josepb Tinker Iast evening. No datuage of nnv c£>nsequence was done, Tht case of conspiracy again=t certain well known citizcns will be called to-raorrow in ihe Poliee Court. Miss Mamie Paty, a daughtcr of Consul John Puty will be niarried n» xt Friday to Mr. A. Van Valkenberg. Tbe M k ihala leaves th s nfternoon at 5 o-eloek for Kuuai She was prevc-nted frora sailing last evening owing to a mishap to her boiler. Daniel Logm, editoi of the Bulietin, has this day lakea the oath of fidelity t> the Eepuhlie 1 before the Clerk of the Jud:ci:iry ' Department. Snperiuteudent Rowell will 1 Ioave for Kauai to-day. The public hopes that his d*partnre will stop his squabbling with Emmeluth about pig iron, hog pipes and vulves. Call at L. B. Kerr’s store on Queen street and seiect material for a suit frora l*is extensivo stock of clegant goods in latest styles and a great v«nety of patterns. There is a big invoice of Sauerbrunneu in the G. N. Wdox. This favorite beverage will possiblE not ra<iterializo now. Tbe , Anchor is the only plaee where it yet is in stock. The Honolulu lihrary bas added anotber valuable list of books to its possessious. The building whieh is nuclergoing genoral repair will sbortly be re-opcned to tbe puhlie. A native poliee officer while arrestiug some opium smokers at Hana Mani, was stabbed with a dirk knife and seriously injured. Further particulars will bebad on the return of the Claudine. There w.«s considerable excitoment when the stranding <<£ the G. N. TVilcox was annonnced this moruiug and gouerul sympathy was expressed fur tbe owners of | the rcssel. ——— Mr. A. W. Carter met with a p«inful accident last evening j wlnle nding on horse-back. Hs j horse coliided with a carriag/wherebv the leg of the rider was injured. Tha wound was dressed at the hospital aud Mr. Carter w.«s removed to his home. The Cunrt has ordered W. C. Aehi to pay altm»ny of seveu doll .rs a w ek to his wife wlule the divorce c«se betwoen thfcm is peuding and a!so to pay her at- j toi ney $50. ArthurFe«tbersi ne who escap | ed irom ihe pr;son gang bas not beou captnred yeL Tbere «re ao 1 clues to his wherabouts and there < are a strong pyasibilily tbat he has ( iuet his de.tth bv drowning ; u an attempt to eso«pe by aea ia «|