Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

FOK SALE A Complete Hunting Outfit. One lr S-tter b : tch of the best b'o k! m An»er c»; reg dtered in ihe A. K. S. B. aod p-rtly brokeo. One b tch bv the eeiebr»t*d G eobe gh that e st ?1000 m Et»gUiiid. O.ie l’op five weeke old father »nd 'iiOthe ,> t'iorongribre»*ds. One B c’xbiard bi;Itcsj»ecially f >r ho»;tng p'iri-oses. One 1-g nge L. CSn th gin es g* 'd »i3 ne * and m fin>* <>rder. The/Tbove ou{fit will be su!d eheap Eriqoire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Anchor Snloon. sepl9 tf Hong Branoh -8A7 wmeEstablishment. This First-Cla?s B ithing RoS »rt h:is been eniargiHl and is now open lolHhe puhlie, It is the best p!ace on the 5slands to enjoy a Bath, and there ia no better olaee to !ay ofl. S|iecial acconimodations for Lidies. Tr; mcars pass the door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. .T. SHFR\VOOD, jy24 Proprietor, T. B. Murray I** 1 <‘l (o «lllllll On (lie 01:1 Maami, ,\o. ft I Kiiig *it,— !»is fliiMiit‘«M .is CABtelAGE 1!» MANi Lli'OiiEi! (loes < >n.

Wheu the ‘PEOPLES’ PARTV” gets siuaslied he will be ready to HEPAIE PAINT AND TR1M 1T At a Reasonablo F;gnro.— No £xtra Charge for Furuisbing them with Ooinuiou Sense. LET THEM R1NG UP MUTUAL 572. y2I tim

CALIFORNIA, Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny BIock. JOBBERS .OF WINE8, and SPIRITS KENG LUN, PHOT06RAPNER, N«oaqu »ad Pmulii Strt*U CabiucU $3-o0 Per Docen, " " 2.CO Per 1-2 Dozen, Sxl0 $->,50 Per Dozen. “ 3,50 Por 1-2 Doren. Drp Go«ia nnd Cbiaede SiJks. U*