Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
5* c c p-rr/ 9* iT’SATOSSUP Sometimes wbere to go to pnrclmse any pnrticular article, but i not if you iinppeu to want any- I 1 thing in the line of £rtists’ Supplies, Picture Fr3Lmes, or enlarge<l portraits, ihere is | but one plaee in Uonoluln, to ' pnrchase ail raaterials, and that’s 1 KING BBOS. ’ Store, for whioh there is no rival on these ’ lslands. The finest paiutings in Uawaii, j are on exhibitiou in this gallery. t The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making picture frames in tbe von- latest stvles of mouldings. Iu the sheet pictares, they! baye thousauds to select from of whieh tbey invite an inspection at aoy iime. KIXG BROS-, Hotel Street, : : Honololo aug. 25-1 mdiy. i Fernandes & Gomes —wholkaue — Caiifornia Wine» | and Spirlts, No. 5U2 Fort at.. Uouolulu, H 1. f P 0. Uo* 436, Mutual Tele. I4a \ tr»a»