Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Atto'rney Kentr r l e ft for Hana this erening. i * W. G. Hall arrĪTetl this a(teri aoon ) Half-and Half at tbe Empire. Always on drangbt. The Leilani Boat C)ub meets to-night. Tha “C«ylon” and the “SenU” left port veeterdav. I Emmeluih is on the war-path and the path of Kowe’l and King is thornv. An infant of Hawaiim parentI age was bnrned to death last j Satnrday. It is understood tlnt a change has been made in the owoemhip the Criterion Saloon. The Adverliaer states that P. A. Manning will aot as bus;ness raan3ger for the Dailey Gompany. Oolonel Oomwell left for Waikapu Uiis a!ternoon aud .will ' , shortly take posses?ion of his plant,atioo. ! * v Mr. S. Dwight is bui!ding a cottago for bathing purposes at Waikiki on the premises adjoinin those of Mr, A. Iiosa. | Tbeannual Catho’iic Fair will be he!d at the Armory aud onght to be largely patronized a? the object of the charitable ati‘air is | to repair the Cathedral organ. 1 The new “ puraping ’’ plant wlueh ponrs out the famous Frie- , derichsburg beer at tho Anchor is ; worthy of inspection. It is un- , j paralleled iu Honolulu. !. ~ ~ Tickets for the Daile}' show are going like tbe proverbial hotcake? Levey has a few season tickets for them to responsible parties. Featherstone. the notorious wife stabbor, who was sentenced to nine montbs imprisoument has escaped from Mr. Low’s hotel. | He ran away yesterday and hasn’t ' been caught yet. * The Salvation Army “converted” two hard cases last evening. If the converts reatly “found” Jesus fthey won’t deliver Him up to the poliee and take the reward. The loyal members of the Scliuetzen Club meet tonight at the Armory. Captain Klemme calls tbe meetiug aud his motto is that there ia no “amalgamafon in his.” He doesn’t liko mixed drinks. H. Schroth, an artist of some merit is painting scenery for the Daily Company. Tho loeal audience will get a surprise when they flock to-gother and see what the Opera House ean produce in Uonolulu.