Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THOS. LINDSAY 208 Merrhaut Street, Honolulu AVr 5/omp. ww Jewelry Silcer aml L>iamond<. Jewelry Manof»rture to or<!er. Watcbes c!eaue»i au i rej aire<i in and in»p€ct.,^r§ )Cahului, Mau Sinq T PKOrRIATOR «pt T--tf WE I>*V1TE ALL >M0KKK' To eall an«l inap*H*t oor lato imp<>rtati ■» .>f the cel«*brato>l G. B. I>. p pe-. cicir* lind dsaivtte hoW«s. HOLi>OTHtre. * 71:BOTH TKLEPHONES:71 —COSSOLIDATEP—SODA WATER -:- WORK' - - C0. (Lnmrtp.' Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAIJAX H0TEL BARBER Ladies ShampōQin<; a sy. - alty. Honolulu. aug4. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowleilgmeuta to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marviage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oabu. Agent for tbe Haw'n Islands of Pm & Scott’s Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for tbo Bnrlington lloute Real Estate Brol[er and General Af°nt Bell Tel. 318; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 115.* OFFICE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street Honolulu TT. I lo\/eJoy &CO. WfjolBgale Wii]e \ Li^uoi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au‘2 in casks or bottIe3 Y. LUM 8INO, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries Fresb Fnuts by Everv California Steamer, Eresh Isfand Buitcr from Hawaii. 13ō Fort Street. Coffee Roasted. P O. Box 109 Fresh Island Prodnce, Gootls Delivered to Any Part of tho CUy. jy21 Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 3« NUUANU »TREET Dealera in Ladies’ & Gents’ Boots and Shoes made to order, P O Boi 3C7 CH1N KEE. HORSESHOEING SHOP Maunakea a Panahi Street. Xt>v mc kll roaod $ | j0 Old *et «11 n>ond I (» Door to No. 5 Engine »ngl 2nOTICE. In i itarv al! BFLLS tor andertaE>m? -».11 • en pwAemaliou. W* in, ***** «K on «e«oout of io*bUitr ta oolleel the m*joTity D | j Q r bi!t* taaer*!* ue o?er. WH LIAMS BR08.. *a2J- Iwd ED. A. WtHlAyg \lAna.vT