Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Our Anniversary. [ARTICLE]

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Our Anniversary.

It in a y<»r ?go lb d*y s;nc» the first copv of tb« HaVaii Holomia w»s im>tied in th* 1-V ish .angn■ge in it« jir«ent forn an<i by its pr«rent e<litor. Fh«\ HolomUA had ex st«ii f>r sereral\e»rs ae a n*t : ve paf<er, an<l dur V: s:x or seven months as a “b*l\wbit6 paf<er, publi»heJ p*rtly in the English an<l p*rtly in the Hawaiian languag<». When we tjnder- j look t<v i#suo an Epglish as well aa a H.waiian paper a cry of der;8ion »ro6e, and ihe crojkers of the annexation partv told us th»t we wou’.dn’t Iast h.r three montbs. Tbe propheciea of the enemy have eome to naught. Tbo IIolomua to-day enjoy ihe same patronage j as any olher paper m tho town. and we Iook back w itb pride and aatisfaction to tbe work done during the pa-«t year. H»ving been a Mive” paper, the Holomua has made numerous enemie», but at th« «amo timc tho lioek of ita frienda has been stea<lily increaaing. The cau.se of the j<oor, the j persecuted an<l the weak has always bcen the cnuso of the HoLOMca in the pist. And in that j line there will l>o no change in i onr policy in ihe future. We , bespeak on this anniversary the i same patronnge and eupj>ort as havo fallen in oor lot doring the ' past year, and enter in our ?ecoud yoar with coufidence an<l courage. Everybody tbinks that he ean run a r.ewsjtapcr. The “every- i body’’ may bo surj>rised to learn ' that during the j>ast year, the editorof the IIOLOMUA has written ' ovor 1,500 eolomna. whieh moans : about 800,000 words or more than 4,000,000 Ietters. And ho has j done that while listening politely j to that most delostable class of j>atrous; the men rho unul to run ] th« ;xij»cr. May that yen u« be i extinct <luring tbc coming yearl) *