Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CitysaMeat Market Oppe-- Qneen Emma Hali. E>tabli»hevl 1883 JOS. TINKER, bUjcHef^ Maker ofthe Cekbmkd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City aml Saborbs. Mutual Telephone Number 2S9. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANT' Sts. Silk and Crepc», Embroidored Hadkerchief?, Window Curtains, Straw Hap, Fans, Lanterus, Baskets. all sorts; Dishes, Tea and Breakfa<t, S**ts, Trays, FIower Pots, Silk Bedijailt', Baoaboo Screens, Neck-tios, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japanese Toys. Japanese Provisions by the wh - sale. jy28 MURATA & C0. City - Carriage Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEj\lT, Mj|nap Blacksmith Work AND Carriagj Rjpairing PAIXTING : AND : TEIMMING In all its Branchcs, at Bed lioek Prices. Matual Telephone 382 - Give us a Call andjudge for yourself. jy23 ADMINISTRATIO'rS >: H0TICS. TTIE UNDERSIGN1D bavinz b- n d ..f appointed Adminiof ratur of tb-; Eitat< i Pktelo CkSOr. (k) late of Hoao ulu, <>al... deceued. Notice is bcrcby (riven to ai cretlitor- t the deceascd to presenl tbeir elaim-. wbct; -r «ccured by Morteajrc, or otbcrwUe, Juiy aufhcndlcat< d and witb the propcr vou lf «uy cxbt to tbu undcrsit;ucd witbin - t moatbs from ihe datc h«reot, or »hey «V* forever barred; and all pers«ins indc'<t< J to Uie ?aid decca#cd arc reqac#t (o make .trmediato payment at the Office of J. K. Kai'lia, C'onier of Quecu and Nuuann Streets, Up-stair*. KALLi PETELO KAK' 'I Admini#trator of tbe E»tate v( IV< Io Kakoi. (k) dece«scd. Uonoiolu, Sept U, l!»W. »< pt II 5» YĒE CHAN, DEALER lx Fiqe (qOūd$ Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese and Japane=e Handkerchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. Honolulu, P.O. Box 253. jyo H. TKUSCHLEI Boot «Sc Shoema 1S0 Faii Street. Repairing, ne a Uy Dont sole and heol witb pegs, sole and heel 8ewios», au7 6 MEDEIROS i Co. Me. cl.ant T aUor , aaa Tw«hI, Hotel St., aiubr ’ Uouololo. “»Stoa Hot*i £ioc. 8 ‘ S^' K£K imou.