Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 304, 18 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal ! Hastace & | I HAVE MOVEI> to Morgan’s - Auct!on - Rooms for m ihort time W« ar«tai Departure Bay OOALi CHARCOAL, ALG£ROBA »nd kinolino wood In aay quantitr. ' 8oth īelephonea 414 POVND MASTER’S XOTICE. Noiiee is L«vby gjren tō all persons Uiat there are at the OoveTnment Pounil st Makiki, two strayed bnlls. 1 hlaek bull bran<letl K on ri«ht hin<i leg. 1 ptnco l aU brand iudiscril'«l'le on 7 IegAnv person or persons owing these btuls are n.Hiaeste<i to oome aud take the same on or before 12 o eloek noon, SATUlU_*Ai, SEPT. lō, 1S»». J.VMES Kl’KON A, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Ang. 30. 1S£». ang»-lwdy / Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISITF.D 1^7. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5IS Fort St., llonolulu, (UpsUlra) Good Fit CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER CO. (Limitted.) ESPLANADE : Cor. AUeu aml Fort Sl«. : : Honolnln IIOLLlSTEK & CO., Agent*. F0R SALE, A FINE “ MIDNTGHT ’ STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt ean bo seen at the PaNTHEOX STAKLE from to-morrow. tf.
The White House! 118 Xuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- \ Fipgfe-cla$* {lou^e IX EVERY EESPECT. Room from $1-50 to $3.00 w WeeL or 50c. pcr Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO yisitors, Pleme Parties, Laans —A> L—OENEKAL P\JBLIC I At SxrTH's Bcs asd Liveby Stable, King Street. (A<ljoiaiug MetropoliUn Meat Mari.ct.J ls the Cbeapest l’laee in Town yon ean get Bns<ves, Wagoned<«, Bnggie* and Saddle' Hoises. It wūl pajr yon to eali and see befope yon tiy ebewbers. Mataal Telephone 108 angl-tf Fl«l'T E T c,, Corncr Kiug antl Alakea 9tre«U. Caiariiio’s Miptors By Everr 3teamer i'on »an Fraseiaeo, with Freah Fruit. Oysfers, Salmon, Poultry, Etc., Ktc., Etc., Etc. eepi«, ’9*--ly.