Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 Kepakemapa 1894 — WAIKAPU. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tber« i* *a pronoonced feeling of ple*sure among the lamaaina* of Wai'.nka di«trict that :he old Waikapa plautation again bas peeome tbo pioperty of ihe Cornwell family that for more th&n 32 vears have lived and ruled on the beantifal slopes5 of Muai's most pictaresque moant*iQS W. H. Oomwell has b>ogbt the old plaot&tioo, in connection with his brotherin-Uw F. Macfarlane. The geniaU,eolouei will onee more tre*«r the old gronnds and ma&e Waikapa bis home aud body doabts the good resalts that will fall to him and his partner. The old mill bas been demolished and sold. Airaogements will probably be m«de whieh will enabl eCornwulI to dispense witb a tbe next soason and havebiscanegroamlat the millsof Spreckelsville. If, in the mean sngar goes “up' and the repollic goes ‘ down.” it is possible that a first class mill will be erected on the o!d stand. And tbat mill will be bailit nHuwaii. i The sincerest weleome and the truest expressions of “Aloha,. await Mr. Comwell npoo bis returu to Maui.