Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — why? [ARTICLE]
The A n a nery rehictant manrer aJOTts th»t L. A Thon»t<>n hs*s got\ *s a fpeci»I Ul*or e-mnnift« : onA He will spfnd aome d <va m \ >t s#h mnJ thcn pmceeJ un->ffici«l!v to P. rtog»l.” a..<I th**r; nako a to"r of Earope. Wby, mav we a?»k, *h*ll tbe Uipiy#rs if HaWaii pav for the bridal tour of Mr. Thurst >n ? Is it Uir thst a Jepre«f*eJ eommanitv ahall be taxoJ to pay for a junk‘tirg trip of an irrp‘>f8J»le official, wlnie a large portion <>f cit : 7.enR in Honolulu f»r water and oorfr!e>ids on the olher ifiUnds want ro»dft, wharves and bridges. Tbe Kepub‘ic cf Ha- j waii is e -w<ird y. It d;d n»t dare eome out openly and tell as tbat Mr. īhumion left hero in a apeeial c*pacity, a)tbough authorized t* draw a most luxnriona salary and " all exj.enses j>ai<l.” The min<eter ot hnanee. who ie the only honest an<l d°cent man in the present eoneem stntee public!y that retrenchment ie abftolutely necessarv. He tells t!>e eouneiU , that tbe ooiiotry c;innot j»fford to pay f>r pub!ic works whieh n».v be of tbe great< st impottance an<l we eannol believe that he np- i provcs of the expensive journey in ftearch of labor of a man who throngh hift uncouth manners and hift pmnonneei lacx of fact ie j bound to be a failaro. Why is ; I Thnrston scnt to Europe?—Why indeed? We will not hcsilate in answering tho question whieh arises; from every tbroat in this misnatneJ repub!io. — "They vxtnt to Ut hhn <fui<n ea*y.' Mr. Tburftton is impossible in Washington aud tho e\ocativo | eouneil kuows it.— He is impos«iblo iu Ilawaii !>o- | oause all bopes of conciliut : on l*e- | tween tbc two pn 1 1ies will full to • tho grounJ if tbo over-rated de- I magocue is hore.—Ho is imj>oRsi- j ble as a raonil*er of tho execotive eouneil because 1> >le and D«mon 1 know him of nUl an.l tbe la.lt* r 1 reulizes the fact that Thurst>n | anJ he nlme. killoJ the reforra partv «nJ the 1*S7 cabmol. What then eonU they do with | LimT As a ahnw of gratitnde 1 th<*y decideJ to let the t«x j ayer« ! of llawuii put up for a tiij> nrounJ lbe world. —With a sigh of relief tbey furnishod him with mouey, ! lotters of oredit and lotters to all ihe shop-koepers who eall theras c!ves Huw liian consulft and whose imtluouoo is at u par with tho ono oxorciftcd by every peddler in j Honolalu,— Wo h*ve no objections b> get rid of Tiuirst n from Hawuii. But iiiaa disgrace to fiud this government squaodering its raoney in SQpporting a trau.'ps like him in his excarsion to conntrios whero he will bo ridicalod and where hiu alloged mUaion will bc iuon“ than fruitless.— We have tried to assist in eouciliating tbe parties now standing at bay ag*i»8t eaeh other—We sbould havo hailed with ploasnre a compn»raise whioh honorably j coold have beon accepted by all. ! We are as always willing to suppori any stiple government iu ! Hawaii whieh has for itsobject the progress and trne prosperity of oar iales.— Bat we ahall with determinatioQ 1 oppose everv attempt of the gov- | ernment to rob a treasury already | depleted. We shall fight tooih •nd nail ag«inst a lcga!izeil swindle th«t autborizes ■“Tharstons miaeion aud we shill beyood donbt friMUte every attcmpt of the fam.lv e >mp’ct to bnng into thia ciontry, ouder vic : ous and falae pretenses men, *hoeveninj porerity were bappy and to • de- ; gree aatiafied in tb«ir o«m boaies, , •nd who b«re will fiadonly miaery aod deapeir-| Tb« oountry hoa a rigbt t> aak for an expUuatioo >o r«gard io rbQZfttoa’a miftsioQ. No saorocy is n«eded or justified. Wby did • Ur. Doi*> b rdp-.iblic shlp hiiu to thoee foreigue lamls? Aod u tbe ! o<4r *utnrv{ Dobo oeik u wty, $ ' ]