Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THO 2lfc M«r .Vr r N' LIND8AY t Stre«t. Honolulu new JfHtlry Goid, rr and DiamoncL*. Jewelrv Manuūcture to onier. W«tche? oleāueil ami repaireti 5Jrt’aIl in aml in»pert..#r^| »e4-tf. Kahului, Maui.
Sm< Sim, FROFSUTOB. 7-U f WE INVITE ALL >MOKF.RS To eall ard inspoot onr Ute iniportation <‘f tho ivlcbn»!el O. B. P. p pes, cijt«r» ' and cigarette hohk*rs. HOUIMIHil», 71:BOTH TELEPHONES:7I —C0XS0L1DATED—SODA WATER WORKS C0. (l IVTTTKn.' • Gust. A. Mauer, HA IIAX HO TKL BA RBKR ĪAulie* Shampooiu<j a sp€cialty. Honolulu. aug4.
Chas. T. Guliek notary public For tho IslaQj of Oaha. Agent to Take Aekno* leJgments to Labor ContracU. Ag©ut to Qrant Marriage Lieenses. Honolnla, Oaha. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pitt A Scott’s Freight and Parcels £xpreas. Agent for the Barlington Moute Heal Eslate Brrter aiiOeiml Ar°4it Bell Tel. 348; Mat. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 MEKCHANT Hnnolnln P
lo\/eJoy &co t Wi]ū!egale Wiije \ Liquoi» Dealei$ % 19 Nuuanu Strett We wou!d cal! your attention to Our Special Brautd9 Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY.
Fredericksburg BEER au2 in cask8 or bott!e Y. LUil 81NO, Dealer in Frnits *nd Groceri«j5 Fresh FruiU by Every Cal»forni 8teacoer. Ereab ls!and Baite fr«»m H<wāi. 13ō Fort 8tre*?t CotTee Ro»sted. P 0. Box 161 Fresb lsland Prodnce, Gz. DeliTered to Any of tb City, jy21 Tai Wo Wfng Kee C 36 SVI ASV STR££T Ooalew in L »Jies' Jc Gentd’ aud Shu«4 m.ule to ordt-r.