Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
\IACFARLANE k CO fkaler* in \Vinej and SpiriU M*hnawna S<reet, Honolalo. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Grocert. Feed Stoee k Bakebt. Corner of Kii»K *n«l Fort Sts.. Honolnln 1. PHILL1P8, PRACriCAL PLUMEEE, GAS.FnTEB JOPPEU-fiMITH, Honse and Ship īoh <>rk Promptly Execated. No. 71 King Street, Honolal i Hh. M. l.ENNAN, Fort Street, attc/ve H• •!*•». MiUnai Pelephone l*«>r olHee; 287 for residenc<*. jy28
mc.ROWE. ; Houie Sign and Oinnmental . Pain(er. p ; li Mam:f.«ctrre cf Lfquid S!al:ng. Gl’0 King :uigl LE\VIS J. LEVEY, Ketil Cstiite auel Oeneml A uctioneei*. j 'Joru-.*r.I'ort aud Quecn Streets, Honolnin 1 PersonHl attontii>n given to S»les of Furniture, EaHl Estato. Stock and Gener«l Mercbandise. Vfn*«i*l TVl«rdtone 2-'{8 a FAT BOY." j BAY HŪRSE$5? S LOON ! P. McTNEBNY, i’aoPītiRTOK, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoR.vrk Bfthel axd Hotel 8ts.
Honoiuiu Carriage Kanufactory 5^ \Y. W. W«IGHT, Phoprietor, (Succ«s»A to G, West). CAKRIAGE BUILDING and KEPaIKINū. 1 AII Order8 frotn the Other Islands in the i j Carriage Buitding, Trirainiojj and Puiuting 1 ! Line «ill Meet with Prompt Attenlion. j Blacksmithing in All Its Varlous Branches j Done. P. O. Bo\ 831. Xos. 138 and 130 Fort 8trect. jyI9 Iy W. S. LUCE W:ine and S-r)irit Mercliant Cnmpbell Fire-proof Block, \fEUCHANTST. HONOLHLŪ.
Anchor-:-Saloon '— Ex “AUSTKALIA.” ‘ Auother Invoice of the World ; Kenowned FREOERICKSBURG | UGER BEER Ou draaght and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Califorma ; 0YSTERS. ; ■ FO!i OOCKTA1LSI mayl 3me
ClfY CftRRIAGE CO Corner K1NG and BETHEL St. CAEEĪAGES, AT ALL HOURSL Both TeJephones No. 113. J. 8. ANDRADE. M«nager june 15*tf. >OTUE. ALL penoos ue vanwd oot to jvrmit th,jr «niaui» to »rt ou U» lsa>1s ot K*uc«ti> *u«1 bek>Bgiofi tb« no(k«igu«d hoe pl*airrv. AU aauoUa | fonnd ou «tt»yin6 on tb« rio» Uads will be i iatpoQt>ded or «IhH. LEXTAI W4I $1X0 KEE. .