Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CitysaNleat Market C>ppo. Qneeu Emma Hali, EstAl>! lsS3 JOS. TINKER, PA M 1 L Y bUjcHe^ Makt r of the Ct'h'brakd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Thf.ji. Delivered to Any P;trt of the City ami Sobnrb< Mula&l Telephone Nnmber Y( (KOHAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — VIOTEL vt NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepe<, Einbroider»d Hadkercbie£$, Window CurUin9, Str.»w Hiu, Pnnii. L-ntern>s, B»skets. hII *>rt' Di?hes. Tea and Br'-.tkfist Se;>. Tmys, FIower Pola. Siik Bfdquiit». Bamboo Screens, Neck-tie? Sili and Crepe Shirts, Jnp«ueee T n*. Japane«e Provisir»ns by the w! ?a!e. jv28 MDRATA & C0. City - Carriage fi!'p : Q. Co. 6lacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEKT D. BEflT, M^a^ek Blacksmith Work AXP CiiYiij; R;,jiiriig PAINTING :AND :TBIMMINU In ail ita Branches, at Bed Koek Prices. Muiual Telephone 382 jf Give us a Call ai i j for your.se if. jy23 * ADiiINISTiUTIGITS TIIE UN'DERSION’EJ> bnrin'' b> • n <! u’ y -appointed At!minii>rnttor of the 1 I’kīelo K akoi. (k; latc Ol llono nlu, < 'anu. dece»*ed. Noliee 1* hercl>y jriren to ai en . • t the <lecea««(l to pn-nent tbeir claim> «h ■ r secured by M or olhcrwi*e. «Ju 1 y autbcndicated and witb the proper vou . !k- ■. if any exM to tbe under»i.;nrd witiiic «ix i monih* from tbc date bereof or th<-y «r Nt | forever l«rred; and all persont iodehCed lo [ the »aid decva»ed ■ are re«jue*t tu nnk' tr. mediate j«yn>ent at th<- O»noe >>f •! Kii'iu, Corner ol <jueen aml X i". w Strect*, Up-»tair». K.MLI PETELO KAKOI Admrni»trator <>t tbu E»iate ot i' Kakoi, (kf deeeate<L ilonolulu, 8ept II, !*>>(. »ept II ' • Y KK CHAN, UEAI.EU IX Fiqs (!}ood$ Fme Taiioring Fine Chinese and Japanese Handkerchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H mofulu, P.O. Box 233. jyo J. H. TRUSCHLER, Hoot & Shoemakei'. 130 F<trl Street. Repairiog. noatly Done. balf sole uud heel witb pegs. <1.00. Half 8uio and heel 8ewiug, $1.50. tu7 MEDE1R0S & Co. >Iei*clinnt Talloiv Aisericvn, Engliah aod āouieh Tweeda oo haud. Fin»:-cUas work St., under Arfington Hotel P1 .. Hoaoinl». S. D#CKKS. H^mrr M«<