Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Benson, Smith <fe Co., The Corner DRU6 STORE Pure Brugs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt Attention, <Srrr Low Prices Coraer Fort & Hotel Sta aul _ ARRIVED ,, y\Us-jr^āUj/\.” 0 French aiul Scotch Gingh\m3 (new) 10c.. 20c. an«l Yictoria Lawn» (new). 10 yds for 75c. White Dr-s$ Goods (new).. 10c., 15c., 2)c., 25o., S0c., 35c AVhite and Colored D mities [new] 20c. and 25c LIaunelletts, all colors, (new) 10 yds for .$1.00 StyTbe old maxira—“There is nothing new nnder tha sun“—knocked out. Call and be oonnnoed. i M. S. LEVY, Who is now s«tt'ed in Benson. Sraith A Co. ’• 01d Stand, Fort Street. HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, WhoIesale and ReLiil Doalers.in Cig:axs, S22©.o3ringr *!roToa,cco, A.VU Snaokeis -^rtiol©s. Agents for the Celebrated Q. B. T>. PIPES, MAOE IH PAB13. Mg7 PDI!IfIED WATEE. No Mlcrobes. v ' J U USED BY IHE fXD SODA WATER WORKS COM P AX Y—Iimited. TJo-©3r |T , ’CLmisli tn© Pountaiii3 Th.xo\xgla.o m VLt t Cit^, J!XCEPTING ONS IPmio as Cr3rstal. , T2eiT XT. XI . *\i$T