Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

?hc ilolomua Calfudar.~ *EPT. 17, 1894. FORnr.s n*(i kekvicc. Steamsbi|« will le*re for and arrve from San Francieco an<i other foreign port«, on or abont the following datee. lill the eloae of 1894. l.KAva IToxourLc T>n at HoyoLcxr for Sa5 FBA>«a9Co. Fm. 8a* Fea>ct9o; OR Va!CCOCVER. I OH VaNCOTVHH. Anstralia Jnne 16 Arewa June 23 Manpoaa Jnly 5 Anstralia.... Jnly 14 Wammoo.. . Jn!y 23 Monowal Ang. 2 Aa»tralia... .Ang. 11 Arewa Aa«. 23 Alanieda..., Ang. 30 An*tralia Aept. 8 Wanimoo.. .Lept.23 Mariposa.... Lept 27 Analialia Oct. 6 Arawa Oct. 23 Monowai ... .Oct. 25 Australia Nov. 3 Alameda.... Nov. 29 Wanimoo.. .Nov. 23 \nftralia Dec. 2 M»riposa Dec. 20 Araws Dec. 22 Australia....Dec. 31 Anstralii Jnne23 Monowai Jnne 28 Wanimoo.,.. Jnly 1 Anstralia Jnly21 Alameda Jnly 26 Arawa Ang ’,i Ans»ralia Ang. 18 Manpoaa Ang.23 VTamwoo.... 8ept. 1 Anstrelia Sept. 15 Monowai.,..Sept. 22 Arawa Oot. 3 An*tralia Oct. 10 Alnme*la Oct. 13 1 Ai)stralia ...Nov. 10 Manpoaa Nov. 15 Arewa Dec. 1 Anstralia Dec. 8 Monowai ....Dec. 13 Wummoo... .Dec. 30 VEMSF.L!« IJI]PORT. |naval vKaaEiA. H B M 8 IIyacinth, May, Esqnmult, B. C. MEECHANTME.V. Am hktue 8 N Ca»tle, H)ibbard, Han Fran. Ger bk Senta, Tieu)iinn, I iverpool. Ivi.r W 8T«lbot, K'nhum.Newenalle N 8 W. Bk R P Rithci, 'or ison, SF. Bktne PUnter, Dow, Lyaan I»land. Bk C D Bryaat, Jaoobsen, 8 F. Bk Velocity, Martin, Uongkong. 8chr Hob*rt Lewera, Goodman, Wa hington Bk \imnru, Brown, Newcastle, N S W. Am bk Martha David, Cemax B. C. Am bk Ctyloi). San Fn»ncis8Co. O, t-, S. Australia, San Francissco r»th En,mu Clandin» Nelaon, Fang'» Isl. l'oKM6> USSFt» E»PEl TFO, Am bk W S Phel|>«... ,Oray‘« Har. . .Dne S<'hr AlIenA SF (Mah) .dne Schr Roberl Lewere... Gr »y‘H'b’r, Dne Br ahlp t'rmura N#WJ istle. . . .Ang. 20 Schr Sadie S F (Kah).... Ang. 21 (> & O8 8 Belgio Vokohama.. Ang. -1 Bk C D Bryiwit S F Ang. -2 KM S 8 Mariposa .. Syduey... ,Aug. 23 Bk O N Wileoi Middlesborongh. Ang 2o CASSArawa Vanoonver... Aug. 24 O S S AIaioihIa SF Atir. 30 CA 8 S W«rrimoo Sydney A«g. H0 PM 8 S China San F«n. ...Sept. 3 Bktne Jobu Smith Newca->tle. .S«pt. 4 Ger hk Paiil Isenberb. Bromen. .. .Nov. 1 Bnrk Boiitenbeck Liverpool.. .Nov, 23 FOK SALE. FINELV brcd BULL, terrier pnp». Enqmre ol Wm. Woolham, at DK. ROWATS’ Infinuarv, Riug street. sel-lm J. J Wiiliama tbo well-knowu Arlistic PbotogrHpher is making a specialty of portraits on Mutcb Dials aud 8ilk Handkercbiefs. Coraplete sels of Lantern slides lectnres eau bo bad at tbe gallery. For tbey nre sold at a reasonable tignre by tbe dozen or by tbo bundred. * S >ft soap m»n s C>>cktail 5 cents n gl»88 aold only to Balvations ete., Botbel Hall, Bethel Street N. BREHAM. Betbol St. Mutual Tel. 314. aug 22 * CARD OF NOTICE. Scbarf & C-l. will remove to Ar lingt <n Bl«»ck Motel Street. wberc they will be better able to serve and pleaae their Patrons. Wlll keep on hand all the l»tesl paperg. B.»ok Sutionery, Periodicale «k Noveltie8, in all hwnehea of the trade. se 14 tf CII^0IT —OF THE — jiAWJ\HJjN l^LAplū^, IN PKOEAĪE. In tbe matter of tbe eet*te of B5u M0Lji*c. hae of Uonololo. Oaha. deeeued. teeuteOe thc ro*ding *cd fiUeg the peUlkm of MK8 N ANCI STILLMAN of Hnnolulu. *Ur4r:ag that Ra»e MoHeno of «*id Hooololn. died in(«*ute at *eid U-aiolnlu. on Um 4Ul 4&V of Fcbroary, A D. 8M. »od pravliur th*t *--tt«f» of Admlsi»;rat»oo Mb« lo ter. «Ui ¥aocy aUlimao. Il ū ooderad, tb»t oo FRIO.\T, the 2Ut d*v « n£PTEMB£R. A. D 18M. be aad herehy U appointed for h«ariag «dd paUUua, la the courtn>om of UiU Court. at Honolulu. at »h1ch Mm« »nd plaee all per»on« conc«ni«d m»v *pp««r «nd *how c*o*e. U «ny tb«y h*ve. w hv Mld iM-iiiion *noald not U- cr*Dled. l>«t»d ūonolnlo. U. L, Aug >L A D. IS9L BV TUS C0t?MT,