Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
The Amelia, Transit, Matilda i and Pe>e arrived this rnorning, . Dr 0. L. Stow from Maui is in town. — The band will play at Emma Sqnare this evening. The W. O. Hall will arrire tomonow afternoon. L- J. Levey will sell §ome fine horses at aaction next week. Tbe ‘ Hyacinth” Ieft thie morning for a emiee. She will retnrn in a few days. — Mr. Hoffacker, the mannger of ; Sprecxel8ville, will leave for Maui : to-morrow afternooo. Don’t forget the subscription dance at Iudependence Ha’l tonight. The Claudk>e and Mikahala were in port yesterday morning before day light. Messrs Rosa. C. W. Ashford Kanlukou and Robertson have ; returned from Kauai and malai ria. Read what Ehlers <fc Co. have to aay to tbe ladies in the columns epecially devoted to the fair ehop-pei-a. There Wits a b‘g luau at Waipio yesterday. Several weary sports raen attended —with and witbout lieenae. The DHil} r Gompany will have a first class season here. Numerous people have secured season t.ckets at the office of L. J Lerey. Thoee iutereste<l in Thooeophy should be pn-eenl at the raeetmg f >r beginners wh eh takes ph.ee touighl on Kiug Sireet under the rooras of the PythiaB Hall. Miss May Curamins who has, been seriously ill for some tirae is iraproving and her many i friends hope to see her around before many days have gone by. Welle, W«lton and Waiwaiole have been appointed member8 of the Wailuku» Roid Bo»rd It seenis t<i be a “double you’ with a vengeance. There are prospects that the oyst°rs ‘p!auted ,} by Mr. J. F. Colburn at Pearl Harbor will prove a success. —Houolnlu will be greatly improyed i{ it becoraes a city of the si!ent bivalve. The Leilani Boat Club will hokl an important meeting at the Hotel to-morrow night at 7: 30 o-eloek. A full attendance is desired. Mr. H. A. Widemann’s denarture in the Australia bas no political significance wbatever. The Judge Ieft on a purely private business. The offioers of the conrts and other attendauts who have heen preseut at the term of tbe Circuit Court at Kauai, returned yeaterday moruing. Shooting at Makiki was very brisk yesterday. The saIvation armv made no attack. It was probably afraid of the imraaculate i powder used by the beroic tuurksmen. According tu the A(fvertiser e:ghteen persons have been eonverted by the Salv»tion Army during two days t>erforniar.ce. The morning p«per to at-it» th»t the *'converted‘’ partiea were ail p. g's. Mr. MoSiocker is going to British Co)ambia by the next steamer. He on some a*ysterions hasinesa and as a matb r of conr §e at government expense. The Custom huoae will go on aa usaal dariug hia ubsei.ee. A Reqna o{ the Empine Suloon hus made a ne» de«i whieh vill tonoh tbe bearts, or at least the paluies of rnany u thirsty vacderer. He keepe ‘h«If-uqd-h$!r’ on draught und serves a most deiioiooa and oooi beveruge, I** to “yUia" lwr»