Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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\SSIQHEE’S S*LE! TITE EXTTRE ?TOCK OF Wenner & Co. WIL-L BE SOL!» Regardless of Cost. S*P* S-tf PIONEEK Steam CANDT Factory. BAHi;RV and lee Gream Parlors I * - ORN M) 1863 m 1894 tsr practical C0XFECT10NEK and ORNAMENTER In all bra,ichf» o/ tkf bu*iuftt ou thftf i»landt. Amenc»n, Eoglisb. Germ«n *nd French PASTRIES MaUe to Onler. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDISG CAKES Maiie o< ihe Very Bost Material »nd at Reasonablc Ratea. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcat/t on Ha,iJ. ALL CO\FEtTIO.\F,RY Macn&ctnred at My Establiahment Arc Guaranteed to be PositireIy Pnre and Sold at Prices no otber establishment ean eompele with. t*T FACTORY AND STORE, Xo. 71 IIotel Street, Honolulu. Both Telephones Xo. 74. jy2d Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEIKOS Refrjgerator Contitin a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Caulitlower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, German Pruncs Crawford Peaches, Silver Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Rartlett Pears, Siklo Pears, Etc. California Fruit 31arket. % Mutual TeL 378 lt ElXG UP MUTUAL TELE. «2. NiEPER'S Baggage Express, Offlce, 229 Fort St,. Hoooialo. H. 1. B»gguge and Furn:tnre Carefully Handled acd Delivered at 3hort Notice to All Parta of the C5»y. Stand on Cor. of Fort A Quoen Su. Kwong Siner Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Goodg, ilen ana Ladies's Sho€S. Mo. an Kiag Strcct. atar -aoiomoa." Jttiy 5 3AM TEE HOP, Ko. 552 King Street, De*ler ia Ciliforni& »nd Hawaiian Fruita «nd V«gotihle«. Qo»ra Jelty. Tea &ad Ur>uaU OoUoe. C>R*ra «tc