Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LADIES’ y;OLUWK. “ Whene'er I uke mv w*lks I »br>ad how m»nv p-w I ?e<; Dr. was the »nthor of nnov hTmns. bat the le»rn»*d an*! rever«d Tersifier was nerer in truer inne tfaan when he wrv*t« tbe lines was qoote. He saw the c;a~s he drscnbfk, jost as they are «een now, ai d many of the i caases whieh in those days created poor people. operates in exact;y tfae same tod«y—tbe gre3teet eanee was undoobted;y IHJUDICIOUS BuyiHQ, and waste cf DiOney in nursa!t of the t*.l o the wisps of trade. neglect ofoi*portnnilies, not taking of a Qdick S\les M< D I S(«\ul PnofiT system. Good sokl on that basis mean a positive saving to y«m. Tbere is no denying this. and no one ever was made poor b} ec"nmy. We hardly know when to eomneenee when it gets to mentioning good. Our stock is so full of new goods Our While Linen and White and Co!ored Cotton Dncks are well worth menti «n. We a«so have sorae lovely patterns «*f Cott >n Crep« s in Morning and Evening Sh«*des Thes« Crepes are new g«»ods and will please you. Also a full line of pJf\fHjJf\E Co/EF\l(lq. We want you to look at them, SlLk PoF\JIEl\ES. GHEH‘LLE Po;\JlEf\E3. and as for l\v)qs. • we have almost any kind yoi want. Next week >\ OOLEN GOODG will be heard fmm. B. F. EHLEBS & C0. L. B. KERR‘S ANNOUNCEMENT! I — * I HAVE JU5T RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMEKT OF . FINE SU1TINGS, ELEGANT PATTER\S, AND LATEST STYLES. These goods will be soUl in anv Quantity fnm a 100 Tards Down to Exocgh to Make a Sixgle Srrr —AND AT—HABD THE PRI0ES i I,. B. KF.KK. . - I\lPORTEB, Qoe«a Street. Sept5-3m ĪUYI M WILL . OiMk. Croaa, «a aka d » . pi-mu. «nd tl>m i-i «onx fcr*. >rt «M«tawd Uut i: wlll t«r« Lrw*»r. RtM«4in ar.d e*n . •— 1 !»S« f i. cl !L5iiV a .4«li Sold by (rt.