Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Church Services [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Church Services

Vr: £!0)BEW'> rATHII R-U_ The semces of tbe C«tbedr»l Congregi»tion of St. Andrew» C *tbedrnl f«rt«>-ai''rrow are a» foliows: 6:30 A. X., Hdy Com manioo; 11 a. x H<>’y C*'m-uQ-oion and »erraf>n; 7;20 p. x.. ;evensoog aod sermon. SECOVD COSGBEGAT!OX. Tbe serv;ces of the Secord Congiegat:on of St A drew’s k tliedral to morrow will be as 9;4ō a x . m miug pr>«ver, *with sermun; Venite. Elvy in F; Te Deum, To rs j B*nedictus Cbipp in E; bvmns 214 nnd 222 . antbem. **Lord. we pray tbee,’’ by R.iberts. 6;30 P. ; X , evensoug wilh sermon; M;>gi n fic«t. Gi)bert in E. Noue D*mit tis, Hnrris in E: bymns 223, 242 ai*l 26. Rev. Alei. Macsintosh. pa?tor. Ail are cordi *lly inVited ce.vtbal union chubch. \nnday, Sej tember 16 —Rev. 6obert G. Hutchins, D. D , will preacb at 11 a. m., up n ‘ Castiog tbe Net;” «nd at 7:30 p. ro., up»n “ L’nfurlii g tbe Baau j r.’' Ail are cord.a;ly invited 1 1 atteud. Suuday School at 9;45 A. M. Y. M C. SEBVICES. Sunday, 11 a. X , ht O’hu Jail; 1:15 P x , at tbe Barrncks; 3:3l) p. m. , B ble study at Y. M. C. A ; 6:30 P. M., Gospel praise service at Y. M. C. A. LATTER DAV SAIXT8. Reorg *nizfd C’liuicb of Jesus Christ of L .tter Dav S *ints; Mil«inni Hm!I, ve«r of G|*era Hou-e. Services wiil be beld on Snnd«y «8 followg: 10 A. X., Biblo class; 11:15 A. M. «nd 6:30 P. x , preacbing. CHBISTIAN MISSION. Meetings at n«noouy Hdl on King stre<t, between Fort aud Alakea streets. Prefiching by T. D. Garv’n at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. M<>rning Uieme: “l)ivine nnd Uumun P«rtnershiji.” Even ng tbeme; *‘Christ, Mos<a and Elijah in Council. M B;ble c!ass ; 1 m. AIl desiriug w> study God's Word ure cordi:wiy invited. Ail seats are free. f