Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Salvation Army. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Salvation Army.

l ie men'b°rs ><r ofiicer« as they eill thcmselves of that monstros;tv known as tbe Silvati<<n Army. l.eld a meeticg Iast n ; ght ;-t the h.ill ab >ve Mr. Jobn Nott’s plaee. whieh they, for some reason or other, f*tyle their btrraoks. The u«n;«I crowd of ipd.fferent pas-er8-bv fil!ed the hall and !ist»-ned to i 1 the " hymns.” the blasting of trum[>ets and exhortitu;ns «f the( ‘<>fiicers.” Tl.e tune of the very , niee song Kiu.wn as “ Katy willl You M >rry Me,” s<>erupd to he a i f iv<»rite among these reforrners of the wor!d. It is pleasant to n<*te th t one hirdened sinner was " converted.” When it was !earn- ’ e*l that he is the secret «ry of the Y. M. C. A , the entbusiMsm and general “ hal eluj >h ” fel 1 c<>n8.dcr*biy. The “ christian ” lhermometer went helow zero The “ «>fticers ” thonght it waa rather a mean lrick ot their br> th*r in Christ. To-night it is understood tti >tthe “ :«rray ” will attick ihe Mt rry-g >-roai.d, aud prob >b!y a >;iio of the 8i4pon3 iu Nuuanu street We wish yiem all possible s ;oc> s« and bopethat the "people” will enj *y the show, Druramers are ueedrd, we are t*ld,and we <1 >n’t k n<>w why the N G. should u> t leml them a few of their voluntvr timb*nrs. Some of tbem e u<1 stmd being “ c.mvertrd ” w thout mueh dimxge to eharacter **r g neral niorality.