Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAELANE k C0. DeaJers in Wme « and SpiriLKmUimoo Street, ūoe .lalo. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gbocet.t, Feed Store & Bakebt. Corner of King and Fort Stn., Honolnln J. PHILL1PS, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTER X>PPEESMITH, Houso and Ship Job "\Vork Promptly Eiecnted. No. 71 King Street, Honoluli. Dr. MeLENNAN. Fort Street, above Hotei. Molnal Telephone 6K2. f->r olHoe; 287 lbr residence. jy28 ED. C- ROW E. Hov.se Sign and Oinamenial Painter. Miinufacture of Liquid Slating. 020 King Street. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and Oeneial Auctioneer. Coraor,Fort and Quecn 8tr«ets, Honoiuiu PorsoD!il uttenti'»a givun to Salos of Furniture, Re;il Elstate, Stock und General MercLandise. tfntna) Tclei>lioue 238 FAT BOY.” BAY H0RSE ’Ē? 8 LOON ! P. McINERNT, Proprieto», Fine Liquors. Wines and 6eer. C0RVEK BETH£L AND HoTKL STS. Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIGHT? Proprietor. (Succcs80r to G. West). BLTLDING asd HEPAIUINU. u All Ordcrs from thc Other Islands in the Carri«gu Bnildin>t, TriminiiiE and Painting Line m 111 Mcet wiih Prompt Attcntion. Hlaekamilhim; in All Its Various Branche« Done. P. O. Bo\ S21. Nos. 128 and 130 Fort Strcet. D W. S. LUCE Wine and Sr>irit Merchaiit Campbdl Firt-proof Block, VfERCHANTST. HONOLHLU. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBUHG LAGER BEER On draught and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Cauforhia 0YSTERS,
koh cocktails rnayl 3ms ciiycVrruge co. Corner KIXG and BETHEL St. CARRL\aES, AT ALL HOURS. Both Te'ephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE. Man8ger june l5-tf. XOTI(F„ . |LL pewona *» »ot to permu ' A Uwr ahwll ro «n Uw i of Kamwiu «n-i Khw ōlaH, Uw ‘ 0BtUnigiwtt nob pUnhrW. JU1 »nuuJā : Hmn.l on stwya g on lh« n<w LuuU vrili N* unponoiWl or UioU LENTAl WAJ SISG KEE. ttgaukMu, auf. &