Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMUA, Ij* rCBLISHED Evorv Ailenioon EX('EIT SCKDAT BT TITE Holomua PabUsMng Co. At KingSt. ( rhotnas hlooW Honolulu, H. i. SUBSCr.:?n:N, per Uomh, 50 Cts. The paper i* deliTerod by C*rrieni in tbe lc trn tna bqVit;t+». Sinsle Copies for 8«le »t tuc New« Dea!ers and at the Office of pnblication. EOUUNO NORR!E, • - Edltor P, M. ROONEY. - - Manager X()TICE. All Busiuess Commumcation8 shonld be addre8aed to P. M. BOOMSY, Honolulu, U. I. C\>rresponnence and Commnnination« tor pnMieaUon sbould be addres»ed to tbe Editor llawuii Holumna. Xo noiiee will be paid U> anv unuuyuious communic»tions. Husiness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFOBD. Attornoy «nd Couuselor nl Law, Oliie ;, feito of tho Okl Bothol — \Vesl Curuer of King aud Bethel Srreets. jy2l A. P. PETEKSON, ATTORNET AT LAW. Offlee: 1»S KoaLnmanu ?*reet, Uonoluln llawaiiau lslands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON. attornet at law. Otfice: 113 Kaahumann Street, Honoluln Hawaiian lalamla. paul neumann, ATTORNEY at Law. 3U Mercbant Street, Houolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, A11ORNET AND OOUNSELLOB AT LAW. Offlce. 01d CapitoI Bnilding, (Honoluln Uale), adjoiniug Post Offloe, Konololn. A. ROSA, ATTORNET AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumauu St., Honolulu, llawaiiau lslauds. H. F. JBERTELMANN, OONTRACTOB AND BCILDER,1 85 King St.. Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. tX3KTKACTOR axu BŪIl n ER, No, 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiiau Ialands. WILLIAM FOSTER. ATORNEY-AT LAW * NOTAKT Pl'BLIC. Honolulu. H. I., 13 Kanhumauu Street. jy24 A. G. CORREA, AT LAW.^ftl 307 Merchant Street, Hooolulu. jy9J Fernandes & Gomes
WHOLE&ALE California Wines and Spirits, No. 502 Furt St.. Hwiolula. H. I. •P 0. Box 436. Muiual Tele. 140. CJ1INE3E CHOT6E C0MPAS Y, 33 > Both T> lepBoxes 335 Haek Sund Corn*"r King and Mnunake* SireeU. Hacks at All H >«>rs. jy27 “ ITOHAN,” |MPORrKR AVD DEA.LER IN OKNMUI ' Kxc)Q«lTflv i»t *Uu 5 (^t ori . -«'hoLES.VLE * KLi AIL aw Fort Str**t. jyit