Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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; C0N ! ST1TUTI0N and LAWS I . | Framed by the Missiommes. * I LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 0 2 Whoever«iils mdestroying hnnmn lifo with an inteot to kill, he shall die. Whoever aiila in destroyin« hmuan life. yet not designing to kill, be ahall be iiuprisoned fov.r yenrs. 3. Whoever with maliee incitea or entices to the eommiasion of raurder, if the ra«rder be actually cmnmiited. he shall dio. Whoever incitrsor entices «nother tn kill, and no lile is thereby taken, he sh;.ll be imprisoned fonr years. 4. W’hoever in aneer stnbs with a sharp instrnment. or strikes wAh a wenpon. or throw 8 missi'.es. and the life of an individdal is thereby destroved, he shall dio. W hoever etabs with a shirp instrament. or strikes with a weapen, or throws mi3siles with malicioas intent to kil’, yet no oue dies thereby. he sball be imprisoned fonr yean>. 5. Whoever threatens t > tuke the lifo ota person, «nd tbe deed is comraitted, he shnl! die. W hoever threaten* to t 'ke the life of a person and actually beats him bnt not to deatb, he sh.dl be impri8oned four years. 6. Wboever rr»bs and killa a person, he shall die. Whoev»-r robs a persou but spares his life, he shali be im—prisoned four}'ears. 7. Whoever kills a shipwrecked per?on, whoever drives fataliv a person into a plaee of death, wboever destroy8 a child aftrr his birtb, whoever (malicionsIy) born8 a honsa with fire, —all tbis are reckone«l a« mar«l T8. AnJ if the crimiaa. sentenced to imprisonment chooses to eommme with money, he aliall piy fifty dolUrs for eaeh of the foar years, «nd then be lawfully discharged; bit in failnre therof he sha 1 b) put to labor lil! the four years expire. then be discharged. If the 9 iid enminal is ag <in guilty of the same crim‘ , > he shall be fined one hundred dolIars 1 >r eaeh years, ao-l in this ratio shill his be incre»sed ti11 the fourth otfdn.se. This sbdll be the jadge:nent of those who esc»pe eipilal paniahmeni. 8. Furthtrmore, wh«>ever plots tbe deith of the King, and prepar**s the meana of hia d-8truotion, hiscrime ia sin ilar to that i fiu'mler, —he shall be put in ironaaod bani«he<l to another land there be reruain till he dies KAŪIKEAOULI. Theforegoing laie r€*pecting munhr wa* enacted in the year lSSō, nnd is *till ia force at the preacnt tinu. The follo>> - ing a lditiona ha« heen made however. 9. If any or.e attempt to detbrone tbe Kmg who h-is poasoss:on of the k ngd m. or to transfer tbe kingdom to any other chi*-f, or to any <*ther pers*»u thao thoone who owns the k agdoru. he shail be haniahe*! to another e antry for life, and all b s pr>perty confi9citod. 10. Wboever shall plol tbe death of* Governor or of any b : gh chief, or speak evil of the chief» f«»r the purpoae of br rgi' g tbem into difficolty. and whoever sh»* : .l thr-ateu the life i-f »ny higb ciief, or the d spasses- ng him of his nnk, and whoever shali either in condact ur words exhibi4 treasoo, and whosver sh »tl excite othere t» trwson agaia«t the King, or Governor. or agnaist any h'gh ch'ef, whoever does any «>f t leae things i« g ilty of a gr-at en n*, and he *hall ba eondemned. Hie puniahm» nt snall be th »t of ba iishioent to »nother land »1 the d scrtion of the j <iges. lhey Io*king at the n agoi»nde • f th-offeo*e. lt ahall not h »wever exceed ten veiir», nor be Laa than five. He ahall furtber n >re be dtsp<'eae.-. a ed uf a!l h*re »l th >ogh if the King eho >*e to give ii to bi« cbild. he *ba l bave a right to ub so at his d screti»n. We h«ve g ven onr as&dnt t«» the «b >ve »od ther*for* set o t nume* on thi» s-*co>id d*y of J.in-) in th» j‘ear of our L rd >>ne thunaand eight hucdred and f rty one. KAMEHA.ME >A III KEKAULUOIU.