Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Citys Meat |ffarket Oppo. Qneen Emm.i Hall, Establisheil 1S83 JOS. TINKER, PAM'LY | bU jcl-jE^ Makcr of the Ce1ehrated Cambridge Pork Sai!sage ! Tby Theji. Meat DelivereJ to Any Par! f tbe City aml Suburbs. !\[utnal Telephone Nrmbor *> Y0K0HAMA
BAZAAR. — Corner of — HOTEL & NUOANl' Sr 9 . S'!k and Crepe>:, Embroidertd Hadkerchief# I Window CurUins, Str.»iv H<ts Fans. L nt‘rns, B <sftets. «I! > r :,v Disht-s. Tea and Br<-:tkf>r<i Trays, Flo«er Pols, Slk B»d.j »īlts! Banibxi Screers. Neck-tos S < »nd Crepe Sliirls, s • T ,s. Japauese Provisii>r.s by tbe wbo;--sale. jy28 MURATA & CO. City - Carriage |M’F’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEJT, M^ha^ek
Blacksmith Work AXD Cjrrl3jj PAINT1NG : AND : TRIMMING īn all it« BmnchP3, at He*l R >ck Prices. MatoaI l'elephone 382 i* Give U8 a Call and jndgi for yonn»elf. jy23
ADMINISTEATIO:rS>; 5CTi:3, TIIE UXDERSIG\ED bavim; b. • n Ju,r appoint«{ A(lminii>tnitor of thc E>tate u{ Peteuo Kjm>i. (h) latc o( Hono ulu, (>ahu, deceascd. Nnliee is t;creby elven to ai ere<i: r ’r* t the deeea!*cd to present Ibeir elaia>4 « t,r'!irr Mrared by M or otherwi'e. (lalr autbeodicate(l and witli the pruper mui if «uy exist to the anderBiifned wiihin - t mnnths fn.m tbe date bereof or lhev wiil b« forever b*rred: and »11 person- ia j •{, 1 V> Ihe 8aid deCea»ed are rei|U'.--*t totn.i,; mediate pavment at tbe OlHe- < f J. K Kait.u, Corn>-r o£ Queen aoi N uaaa 3treets, Up-Malr>. K.ULI PETELO KAKOI Adrami?trator «f thu E*r«te of Peielo Kakoi, (k) deeea»ed. Honolalu. 8ept II. b!M, sept H-ū* CHAN. DEVt.ER lv Fii]8 (qDod$ F ne TaiIoring Fine Chinese and J tpanese xt i H:,r »diterchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H ’no-
J - H. TKUSGULER, Uoot & Nhoemakei’. IJ0 For( Street. _ Bep a ir*ng, ne atly Done. balf wUu pe fr . * »ole und heel aewiuu §1.50. • a7 M EDEIR()g & Co. Merchant Tailurs AaMnr«u. £ag)i»h and i$cot«K f!ote» H*-, atx Mt iiuuoiuia. 9to*t H<>twl 11 <• 8. DJW'KEx», (| #4?^^ 2ESK3