Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Life «& lnarine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE C0.. AssotSs $ 7.109,8*25.49 LONPON-LANCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assets. $ 4.317,05*2.00 TH AMES-MERSEt MARINE IXS. CO. Assets, $ 6,1*24,057.00 XEW YORK L1FE IXSURANCE CO., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, GeoeraI Agent £or the Hawaiun Isjnd3, llnoolulu I )-ji E. S( Bf^o IMPOETEKS AND DEALERS IN Grroceries, !Provisions K Feed, EAST C0RNER F0RT & KING;STS. New Goods Rec’d By ever\’ Packet froin tbe Eastern States and Europe. Fresh Galifornia Produce by even’ steamer. All orders faithful!y attended tn, and Goeds delivered to any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Islaud Orders Solicited. Sat sfactiou Guaranteed. Post Office Iiox No. 145, Telephone No. 9*2. ĪHE HONOLULU S0āP H0USE. Sells tbe very best <jualily of SOAP at M.50 per 100 pounds a id 17 bars of 25 ponnds h>>ne>t weigbt for (1.35. OEHMAN BLUE CaST1LESOAP, manufactured by Graus Bros., Mannlieim,- Germanv, at 10 eents per puund. TOILET 80AP, retail at wbolesale prices. SOFT S(5AP in tina.of 42 i>ounds, «.25. ... te AHICWAX M1XING CANDLES, manufaelured bv the'Ērarvy Candle W orks of Cincinati. Ohio. 12 Candles tor 23 cents. KIAWE FIRE \VOOD. ST0 per cord. The same cut in Wocks ofI2 incbes i?>>• L- a Vdr-'A l y/ r ' >m .: 1 u,, ‘ t)elivered free of cbarge lo any part of tbecity. KlAn h eiiAKLOAL at 40 cenls a saek. Hiehmoml, \a.. (M DAR WOOD POI PAILS tinisbcd wlth brass hoops. Small size 50 eents; larpe size 75 cents Emi>ty Vinegar and Wine BARHELS as water recelvere nt #1. KITCUEN SALT in sacks of 100 ponnds.50cts TABLE SALT £riven awav Hiehest c»sb priee j>aid for HIDES. SKINS and ĪAi.LOW CH^ 1 on^ ( TEN A CEN^ E8 ’ COIltall, i I,K 30 BOKES of T °HIO PARLOR MATMulual Telephcme 311. X. EUEHAM, Bethel Street aug9
t’ O. Bi»x 180. Mctl’al TelepHoxe 24o. The Clieapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Fnrnitnre IS AT THE CORNER OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiuiu H. I. jr»
RING UP MCTCAL TELE. 312. NIEPER S Baggage Express, Offlce, 229 Fort St„ Honolala, U, I. . Cjfeful!y Handled ana Delivered at Short Notice to All P«rt3 of the Cilr. Stand on Cor. of F<»rt «jfcr Qaeen Su jj25 Kwons: Sincr Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Gvock, Men and Ladies's Shoes. Xo. Wt Eiae 3lrt»t. "HoIouhul” Jaly5 sam yee hop. Xo. S52 King 8treet, Dealer in Californla and Hmiian Frait» ■ I and Veget.We8. Gnava Jelly. Tōki Aud Gr»uud C v&e, C'g • r» etc. V»)