Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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1 Lost. A GOLD PIS set with PeHrls, Satnniav ailemoon on Emma street. between the residence of Mrs. McCartnev and Mre. DoJe. A rew«rd wiH be paid to tbe floder. Address this oflice. se!3 Iw Eztra 0RD!NARY Good NEWS FOB HOUSEW/VES ard MATR!MoN!-\ ALLY !HCUSED MEN. . I S. Kubey & Co., No 418 Nuuanu sireet, oppta.te Central Meat Market

Second Hand Fnroiture Dealers. have imp <rted an enormoua ainounl of FURNITUEE ! From the Coast Thev are prepared to SELL the Best Articles at : LOWEST PRICES 1 Money is t‘ght. none of ns ! haw mnre than knnw what to d" with. Kl BE\ <fe C1. r«-alize this. and are decreas;ng pn<fils to SUit the tlmes If you know Ihe vdneo{ monev deal with S. IUBKY & CO. f<r iii their st«>re, One D<dl <r g <es f rther t>w <rd hoying FUK\’ITURE than three at any i>ther plaee in the town On Saturday eveuings, open to 9 P.M. Don’t forget the addrcss S. & CO., Oppo. Central M. Market P.S. Persons having Fnra'ture t>» sell, will do well by c<llmg on US * selU tf

Second-hand I Box Mattresses ■ d from thf> Coast, lo!id d with v*'rmin and perhaps inft ct on IF YOU \VANT AN UpH0USjE^ED^J7^ESS Go to a respect «ble Dea ! er and g t one made new. If the pub 'e knew as moeh ahout the C'»iiStruction of BOX M<»ttr«-sses aa they oug t. they woald n t Uny them. They are miier.*b’e fr 'Uis «t their h**?;. you cvm >t tell what ltiey atufif dwt i. They are e nobersome, unoiean and nnhea!thv. and are at le:ist 30 years beluud i the ag j , eannol bs purci «s-*d in » i live g » ahead plaee in tbe East,

t - Buy - ■; AWdveh WiTE M attre s s anil be well aboost wilh tbe t mes and when hnring ask fur Bulev’s Huno’iilo made. J«'»n-curr>»siTe Solid Corafort Spri* g then ttū w'll not bē a r~fr nm r ri Buy a Wov8u WW l luttres3, A Non-Corr<ieive Mattre?s, A H •uolulu Mad* M»ttress, A Gond Whole*omi Mattresa Not a Box Mattress. Fcr Mle by j a 1 respectub!e deaUrs iu tbe city and by W0VEN WIRE BAIL£Y, Hotel Street, (rext | door tu Hom’a Steam B >kery.) aug 14-lm

Tal Wo Wfng Kee Co, » KCUAXT STB££T n»al*r# īn īp*Jie«’ «t G*nU’ B »'?* «od Sho«s muie 10 ordrr. ****** & 1