Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£hr 2lolom«a <?alrndar. »EPT. 15 1894. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ang. 30 poinei S4iL 4īivire. 8te*mghip* will !e»ve for and arr : ve (rom San Fmncieco *nd otber foreign port«, on or *bont tbe following datee, lill Ihe eioee of 18&4. I.f-*vx Ho!tolcu- Dr* at Ho.*roi.ri.c roR Kav FnAsns<co. Fm. 8*5 Fra5cbco or VA5rocvr.a. o» V*kcoct*». An«trali* Jnne23 Anstrali*.., .Jnne 16 Monowai.... Junt 28 Arava Jcne 23 Wanimoo.,,. Jnlv 1 Manpoaa Joly 5 An«tralia JnVy21 Vn8tralia.,.. Joly 14 Aiameda Joly 2fi Wammoo., . Joly 23 Amw» Ang. 1 Monowai Ang. 2 Aoaimlia Aog. !8 Australia Aog. 11 Uavi|»oaA Ang. 23 Arawa Aug. 23 i Wan-imoo Sept. 1 Alameda.... Ang. 30 Anatrali» Sept. 15 An$tralia Aepl. 8 Monowai....Sept. 22 W*rrim*>o.. .Lept.23 Arawa Oot. 3 MnHpoaa Ler*t 27 Anrtmli* Oct. 10 Anstraiia Oct. 6 Alamed» Oct. 18 Arawa Oct. 23 Wammoo Kor. 1 Monowai ,...Oct. 25 An>tralia .. .Sor. 10 Anstralia No». 3 1 Mariposa... ,Nor. 15 Al«me*la.... Not. 29 Amwa I)e«. 1 W : arrimoo.. .Not. 23 An*tralia Dec. 8 \n>tralia Dec. 2 Monowai ....Dec. 13 Maripoia. ...Dec. 20 Wanimoo... ,D«c. 30 Amwa Dec. 22 ‘ Anstralia Dec. 31 ,
VWSILS IX PORT. [SAVAL VKSAEU. n B M 8 My*cinth. Mav, Esqnmnlt, B. C. USS' h*rl ston CofHn, S F. HIGUS Maria, Oalla) MERCHANTMEV. Am bktne S N’ CasUe, Hnbbard, San Fian. Oer bk Senta, Tienmnn, I iverpool. Schr W 8Taibot,B nhum,Newo-»stle N 8 W. B»RV Hithei, *or iann, SF. Bktne Planter. Dow, Lysan Island. Bk f D Bry.vit, Jaoobsen, S F. Bk Velocity. Martin, Hongkong. 8chr Kob> rt Lewers, Goodman, Wa hington Bk Gm»rn, Bmwn. NewmaUe, N 8 W. Am bk 'lartha David, CemRi B. C. Am bk Ceylnu, San Fr.mcissco. O. s. 8. Aostriilia, 8an Fr«ucis«co Scb Emma Claudina NeUon. Fuiig’s Isl. FOKFIGX EXPE(TED, Am bk W S Phelps... .Oray's H«r... .Dne 8chr Allen A S F (Mah) due Schr K*>bert Lewers... Gr 'jf’H b'r Dne Br ship Ormara NeweiwUe Aug. 20 6chrS«die S F (Kah)....Aug. 20 0 4 0 8 8 Belgic Yokohama.. Aug. 21 Bk « ' D Brvftut 8 F Ang. 22 KM 8 8 .\i«ripo8a Sydney.... Ang. 23 Bk O N Wileoi Middlesborough. Ang25 CASSArawa Vanconver...Ang. 24 OSS Al«meda S F Ang. 30 C A8S W«rrimoo....Sydney Aug. 30 l‘M8S China 8»n Fiun Sept. 3 i>ktue John Smith Newc«'Ue. .Sept. 4 Ger bk Pnul lseuberb.. Bremec... .Nov. 1 Burk Koutenbeck Liverpool.. .Nov. 23
l'OR S AI-F, FIXELY bre<l BCLL, terrier pnps. En* quire uf Wm. Woolhniu, «t DR. HOWATS‘ lnf t rmary, King street. sel-lm 8<>ft eoap innn'e Cocktail 5 cents a g'H98 eoid on!y to salvatione etc., Bethel Hail, Bethel St. Mutual Tel. 314. aug 22 * d!$ūlTŪDUl{TFII$T(Jl$DIT 10 ihe matU'r of Ihe cstate of Rōs* M*Ltemo, Ule of llonolulu, Oabu, dese«9eU. Inle»ute. On tbe readlnK «nd Allnp the pctltlon of MRS NANCT STILLMAN of s*id Honolulu. •IL-eim; that Ro*e MoHeoo of «aid Honolulu. dlod inteet«U.- *t s*id Houolnlu, oe the 4lh d»v of Febm»ry. A D. "W. «cd pr*yltyc tl»*t l.eUer» of Admlui»tr*tion i»»ue to her, »*id N»ncr Stillman. 11 U order»-d. tb*t on FRIDAT. tbe 2l»t d*r of SEPTF.MBER. A. D 1SSM. be »od hen.br U «i>pointcd for hc*ring »«id pelilion, in the courtroom of Ihl» Conrt, at Houolulu, *t « hieh lime and pl»ce all per»on* concerned ta»v *tipe*r »«d »ho» c»o»e, tf *ny lhey h»ve. wbv Mtd peliUoo »hould not be gr«uied. lWted Uonolulu. H. I.. Anp 34. A. U. 18M. Bethel Street N. BREHAM. —0F THE — * IX PROBATE. • » "w» % *». 1*. a BY THE COl'RT. i'KAKLM F. PBTSR*05, C4erk. •Ui 35~Svdl.r
PAMĪHEON 3ALOON, FO*T AXD HOTEL STS. HeaiaoīHen Eoienime Breviu Ce. — m — Larg»»st Cons<gnment of Beer that «ver nrr ved here, no - » on Draught -rH J. DODD. Proj)*r XOTICE. 1« tntnm «U BILL6 for undorUkmg wūl E“ p "T kbJ « ou pnxM-ntat)on. V« u» Oojs*- *■' 1 tr*bott to lUii ml*. on aoooum ot b> oulleei thr ms>Jrity of oor u «-itikujg hili» n(i«r iaunh »n» arv. W«LU»S BB06.. 8D. A. WIIXUMS. M*Begv. ■ ' T