Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — The Daily Company. [ARTICLE]
The Daily Company.
Hmolulu has been without rain and othen pnhlie ent*rtainraent9 for so.ne tirae. The S.iIv : .tio n Ar'iiy has been trying to fiil the vo d, and in‘the aha-me** of a reguIar C'rcus, h .s been rather successf»l. The Diily Oompnn}’ whieh d‘S-rved!y receiv-d the p.tronage of the Honolulu people at their last visit are dae aga?n, and the streets are coveitd with gaily colored p>stprs, annoanciog tne .•rrival of the the trical fiVorites. Mr. L. J. Lcvey, the les3ee of the Ooera Houae, has rerae nbered the crush whieh lae» sgison tried the seating capacity of tbe theatrb to !•» ut nost extmt; and he has therefore «rrmged seis>n t : cketg whiehlall K»v rs of the Hietri'>nic Art will fi >d it udvantageou9 t>» seoure. Box plan now open.