Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
The faneral of Mrs. Hanaike was l*rgely attend«Hi yesterday. Jud?e H. A. W demann left for San Frincisc> in the Australia. Mr. F. H. Hayselden is in town. There was a big fire in the monntains last nigbt The Anstralia left for San Francisco at noon. The Iwalani, Jas. Makee, kolii, Kiala and Moi Wahine " r rived this morning. A wooden bui1ding is erected within tbe fire limits Where are the anthorities ? Everybody is praying for rain. Indications are that their pravers will be heard. The “nightingiles of the P«cific better known as the mannerchor meet to-night.
A large audience listened Iast nigbt to Mia. Tliirds’ Iectnre on ' tbe objections to reincarnation.” Thfre wi!l be a dunce at Inde-pend-ince Hall next Monday evening. Mr. Frank Hoogs will probably have charge of the Daily Uompany. Ihe beantiful residence of A. J. Cartwripht at Makiki is for 8ale. $12,000, is the upset prioe. Mr. G. P Wilder left to-dav on a trip to the St«tes. H 9 nff«irs will be attended to by Mr. A. Carter. The halanee of Dole’s “guarl” left to d«y. The republic will have to get a!ong witbout aehoulboys. The Hyacinthe wil! leave8hort ly for Mani and HHwaii. Targetprnctice is the object of the cruise.
The annual fnir of the St. Andrew’s Cnthedral # for the benefit of the church wi’.l t >ke plaee next moutb. No refuaal of a shooting lieenpe has heen fbrwarded to &fr. Cnnningliara, uotwithst >nding stntements to the contrary the offioial papeia. The volcnno is very ame and the pa9senger b'st f>r the wnnder of the Paradise of tke Paeitic :8 very small. A large cmwd of people gathered at the wharf at nnon to bid goodby t > friend8 bound for foreign parts. A number ot prominent people have joined the 8)ciety of Tbeogophists and have withdrawn frora the regulnr churches of whieh tbe f<>rmerly were members. A aoeial wa8 given last evening for the benefit of parson Penrose It is to be hoped that be will receive 8»metbing more snbstantial frooi bis admirers. It it underst <nd that \fessr8 W. H. Cornwell and Fred M«cf-»rl«ne h«ve purch«sed the Waikapu Plantation on Maui.
I ' Th*re «re prosi)ecta th*t the resident« of the Punoh'oow) qn*rters will receive w*ter from t)ie »n well at Thnno«B Sqnare. The «t t 0 ment is too jjood to be believed. Jnme« Sbenrood wag discharged by Judge Perry this roorni"g nn a obarge of ael!ing liqnor withont a lieenae Mr. A P. I’elenoo tppeared for the defen> d«nt. Tbe revarend Mr. PenroM lef t in the Aostr>»lu to-d*y. Tbe Oeninl U *ion is «ridently not up to tūnes any longer and ihe pulpii ia vacant—for laek of eoin—no permitnent pretcher haa so ftr b«*- o nppoinled for the beoeufr of the hoiy meo eod womeu.
L. A- Th«?ton Iooked pleasant j »hen the sw$mer left the dock and he was re!ieWd of the presence • of bis enemies and friends. J. Emmeluih Co., are exposing the ways of the minister of interior iu this morning’s Advtr~ ti*er. Captain King looked re- : signed and simplv breathed: "Et |Te Bnder Tom Carpenter who *‘forked‘' I Fred Naylor was sentenced to tbree months imprisonment bv Judge Perry. A fee of 150 was awarded to V. A. Ashford in lbe Mnrphy opinm case. The attorney claimed $100 as his dne. The conspirjcy case agiinst certain members of the Sportsmen Ass ciition waa continu<>d in * the district court 1:11 Thurs- 1 day. W. Kinney *ppears f»r the d<-fense and A. P. Petersen f.ir tbe prosecution m
Corap!aints hate t>een made to this paper that certain Chinese cig>r ra.mufactnrers sell Loiueraade cigars packed in boxes that formerly contained the gennine weed. Everybody kuows that ; the “heathen chinese” has no equal in tricks and those who j patronize hira does soat hig peril. Buy your cigars from HoIlister * Co., and \ - ou will know what I you get. If you will buy from a Ohmaman. Wing Wo Chan Co., is the right sh<>p.