Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ITHOS* LINDs^y Merrbanl Street. Honolul a Nen- Store , i»fvr Jr’celr> Silrer and Dia>nond*. Jewe’ry Manuf ictore to or«ie r . W«tches c!eaued aud repairt.] in and inspei t M^ kE Ti Eye., Cornrr Kioe and AiakM ?t-• CamariDo's iMimilop Bt E\err Stearaor from Sa;; Fr»neiaeo, with Fresh Fru/t, Oysters, Sa/mon, Poultr\ , Etc., Etc.. Etc., Etv*ept 6. I!.ong Branch -J3ATHWGEstablishment. This Firet-C1aN B>thinjj R-s -t h»ta Wn pnl;irgf*«! »nd i? now oueo lo the pnb ! ic. It ia tlie h. st plaee i*n the ialanda l » ei j >y a B.ilh. aml there is no better nlnee t*> !ay ofl. S|>eciiil acc'»inmi*d ilmna f«>r Lid es. Tr mcar9 p the d n> r evcrv hnlfh»ur. »nd <»n Siturdiys aiui Sundays every fifteen immites. C. J. SHhRWOOD, jt’24 Pmpnetor. S. NISHIM'JRt, Commission Merchant, 10 Nnaanu Street, Hoooluln. IMPORTERS and DE.\LERS in JAPAN TEA DRY GOODS, SILK> and PROVlAlONS. Sf»' (>oodo by ETerjf Sieaiiier. Mutaal Telphone. 317. eopt 6—tf. SMORERS, ATTEXTIOX. Holl .«ff r <k O*. have receive<l t f*irrh»-r s -pply of the celel*rate<l \i. B. [> p j - direct from the fact<*ry a» well as a new stoc; of amher and meemehaon» cigar and e garette h lders. Also wax malehee. • T. B, Murray Im lel to i»e ! oiimi the Old Ntan<l, .\o. 4> Kli»z Nl.— IIi«* BimiuewH CARRIAGE AND iTf T r inm nn m).\ mMu Goes]On.
When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY geta smashed ho will be ready to 8EPAIE PAIHT AND TB1* IT a Koaaonahle Fignre.— No Ext» Cbarge for Farnishiag »jth C. mmon Seaae. letthe\i RING up WlUAL TeLEPHo.\£ ō72. f3l r>m . % CHIX KEE. ' HORsESUOELVG shop. MMuuakea * Pauahi OW MUl 1 50 5 Eq*u*; W