Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 302, 15 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ eOLUMK; OUf\ QUICK S^LE3 a>d LL Poucy is a far bett*r one for tbe pnhlie tHnn the ressarection prot|ss knowu as Sale9* Goods below Cost etc.. etc. etc.. •tt whieh the t»raveā conta*nirg g oJ> of tiines g'>ne by are opeueel, and tbe mo <lering corp ses trotted i»ut to nmke a show One never gets «peeial value at s-i!es; one mav get Low Prices for Res.surectetl Goods, but speeial va!ne never. SpeciaJ Vuluesare only obtaineJ wbero yon seasnnable goods, where Qu;ck Sa>es aml sn>a 1 profits are the fnndament il piioeiple of the house you are dea:iiig witb EXPER,IEflCE Will Te\cH YoJ THis if you do not realize it now. Qnick st!es and small pri-fits iiiean also no dull Counters. uo dul g'»od',C>ut new styles, in fact g«>ods that s 1! at pnces that are jnst rig‘iL Huve y>u noticed any cf tbose L^qies ? W\isjs \ve spoke of last we>k? If not, ymi ure certamly n«>t very ob serving, for tliere has heen more of them so!d by us l«ist week thau w«s ever sold m Hono!uiu in a»y two \veeks. Qnick sa!es ud small profits policy diil it Ou!y a fe\v * f t!\em left. Tho same thiug raight be said of P^^SOLS We h*ve some handsome Umbrel!as aud I’araso!s T\velve yards dress patterns of Oenuine Irish Lmen l.uwns in co!ors. ;it $2. 0 a pattern Eeraember the pl.iee; th«t if you have auy doubt, a oall ;it onr store will s»tisfy you that all we say about Quick Sa!e and small profits is a FACT. B. F. EHLERS & C0.
iT’SATOSSUP 8ometimes where to go to pnrcliase any pnrticnlar article, bat nnt if yon imppen to want anything in the line of £upplles, Fra^g#r or enhrged portraits, there is but one plaee in Honoinln, to pnrcl«nse ail mat»-riai3, and tbnt’a KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh iherw is no rival oa these IsUnds. The finest pnintinga in Hawaii, are on exhibition in this gailen-. The firm makea • specinlty of enlarg ng portraila ns weli aa m«kmg pictare frnmes īn the very latest styies of moaidiogs. In tfee sheat pictnres. they l haw th«>asaod« to sel«ct fro»u of whieh they īnvite au inspeoūuo at auy Uma. KllNO BKOS-, j HoUl Street, : : : Huoolala]