Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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rnos- lindsav 20b Xerchaut Street H>no!ul a Xew Store. new Jewelry Silcer and DiamontU. Je we’ry M »nuf .ctore to onle r . W«tches c!eaned and rej>aire.l iu and in«tyeet. c;^| s°4 tf.

CðH F»Vl»T M^1 k ETf Ej Corner Kinjt and Alake*S:.e Camariūo's I{i'fli?(*r,i( Bv Every St«*flni.r from S.ui F. ci*co. nith Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Sa/mon. Poul:i Etc., Etc„ Etc , e, ■ sept 6, ’W-ty. Hong | Branch Establishment. Thls First-C! iss Bifhi R s h:ts bt-f»i» enl»rged »nd is tiosv on 1 to the pnb ! ic. lt is ttie b->t j.| nn the istands t • ei>j >y u B.th. ;i there «a 110 better oinee t > l.n- . S|»eciai aee »imnod »li<»ns t'>r (. des Tr rncars p*ss the >t : v. half h>»ur. nnd <»n S>turd.\s Sundays every fifteen minutes. C. J. SHKRWOOD. j}’24 l’ropr.ftor S. NISHIlV] jR}, Cominission Merchan 19 Nnuanu Strect, Honolnln. — IMPORTERS anel DEALERS iu JAPAX TEA DRY OOODS, SILKS aml PR0VT31CNS. 3tew Goodi by Kvery Me<Ber. Mutnal Tt-lphone. 317, sept t>—tf. SMOKERS, ATTRNTION. Holl str r <k C >. have receiv*si « s;pply of tlie celebnucd<>. B. I> p> >iireet froxn the fuctory ts weli a- a n ■<foc; of Hinlx*r and meerachaain •nd c garette h Mers. Ais> w. niatches. • T. E. Mnm.T

Croe«3 On.

When the “PEOPLES PARTY” gets smashed he will be readv to ®A1B PAIKĪ AND TB1IIT » Ke »SonabIa F gure.— >o Charga for Furmsi i-A with C. >mmon Seūse.

£Ett3em ring up TfcLEPdO>£ 372. ySl rtm KEE. horseshoeixg shcp, i/,,uata < . “• *• kii n>“a<i » . -, a S2fiS~-i- »1^ •V ’