Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

Aognst 30. 1804. Tbe thonsands «i»»i thosauds of peopie who read tbe daily }rapers uJ get tbe ne«s lu.pj»ouings from tbe four qnarters of earth, Jo so witb 1 ittle thonght of the expense attachtnl to getting ont a p.tper and the trials and tribolati<ms of tbe eJit«>r and freqnenl

loss of money to the owners. Tbe J ffieulties whieh be set tbe paths of newsp«}>or people vary acc<»rJing to loenliU': in tbo Nutberu St.ites, wbere tbero are ‘nine tuonths winter aml three montbs very !ate it freqnently liapj?ens tbat tbe roads «re blockadeil witb snow, jost «bout the time £ve paper sapply is exhausteJ, so tbe editor has to hill back on bis polished-sorf ee book paper to get out bis edition. In Vick'burg, Misssippi, away back in the sixties an eutire stock of wall paper was used iu getting out a weekly paper, newspaper ; was not obtaioable.

In some places tlie will demnud a maximnra of news. telegrapliic and loeal at a minimnm price, and then want to pay tlieir subscription and advertising bdls in wood or vegetables. Bnt when Satard.iv mgiit comes around tho gentle and ungent!e compositor rebels, when he is offered anything, but eoin in p«yment for his services, nnd this Mccoants for the fact that balf tho ed.tors in United St,ites are troubled with iusi>mnia We have known compositors in eountry towns to aotaalIy refnse to live on a diet of roller composiand str ko if the editor wonkl not divido the couteuts of the paste pot.

ln Honoluln. things are ditferent; paper is manufuotured in Calift>ruia, and the oeean never freezes so hard that the vessel ean t run, so tliere is no de!a> there iu getting a stock of p.»per; the “typos” usually meet the business Managers on Satarday \vitb u broad smile whieli tbey give in excbange for £ood gokl eoin, and the editors who do not wear search lights in their sbirt fronts leave tliem otf, because they do not wisb to be mistaken by tourists for capital:sts. The compositors, too, ure t,f a better class thau you will find on the Pacific Coast; they dress better, live better and «re belter citizeus thuu yon will find iu other places. eveu at t\velve and a half cent beer is not ind.ice.ueut enough for them to take on “j ig.’‘ lf there is anythiog that will set off the appeaeanee of n home, a good haugmg L,nnps is the thiug. VV e have a new stock of that is_ so vaned in styles aml prices that we ean sait the tastes und purses of everyone. Tho bnrners, whieh is really more impoitant Ihua the decora tions, iiave been Selecttd witb a to securing the most powerful I iight with the leist possible amount of heat. We offer these to the pub!ic »t pr;ces saf ficieutly low to iudace tooro |>eople to buy tban we have Lamps to se!l. 1

Garden Hose is as iuaeh a necessUy «s h telepbone. TLe lung strfctcbes of dry weather kdis the gra$s unlfc$s it is irrgi«ted aud you cauuot very well nrigaie uule$s 30« bave Huse. the walei < Ha».ply U mfcagre but witb h littie conj»;vi«g oue eau alwa\s get lo keep tbe grass aud plant$ aiive. a

Tab!e Knives. Carrers t Spoons and forks «re cbeap«r th«n tbev b«ve ever been before aud ve bave a big stock ol them. Tbe Kuives aie tbe best tu-iUe in tbe { tState$ aiui lbe Spooits and Furks • tbe be$t qaadrup e pl«te. Tbest> wiH la$t aa loilgHSSuiīd w 1re that o<*st$ fuar or fivo u mes ** mi . cil \\e keep aivay S » f U Jl i, oe 0 f tl«eso goods and ean sa».ply a av

W e ueglected to mention vbrn wr.Ung about Garden Hc<so Uiat ve bavo a qa*utity of tbe Uk»t improved w»ter spriukUrs tb*t wo c "‘ n «**}l »en eheap and vbicb ana bou..d logire s-tiafacliod. i| for uo «tber nuuioii tb;*n tbey vill not get ool of oider a«J verv | fort*e of r»U*r rtjcs them, * < īb Liaui Jjrt?irs ft. K7 #ortStic«|