Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Paradise of the Pacific. [ARTICLE]
The Paradise of the Pacific.
The Septe tiber number of tbe Para>U& of ihe Paeilie is . m an excellent ehauee is offer d to friends of Hat»',.ii«u progress t send forwi.nl « ncord whieh sbows the prospeeis -»u«l opportnmties of these f«ir i»iaods.—The mouth-1-V hai * gotten r.p, i n iu r.soal »rtistio style ai <1 tbe h:df-toue i>rmta ol J. J. WiHia-, 8 p j ctares are aimp y »xc-lleot -An.onu tb t sketches we e«ll speei.il «tten(inn to Uie «rticle.«» “pi .oapplea in H«w«ii by Jobn EmmelalU,— X e irxi s bigbiy iustr ;ctive a- d
>JUere&ling and the pictare «tt »ch [•* 10 *k i» simpiy perfeot —Mr Fr«nk Hoogs edits tbe r •leaeme credit for his eu . 1 terpr.se — e corres *on*liug »ith £r»endg abr v*d w.ll I u of tim< «nd work by m«iūng4 copy of tbe Pa>ttdi*t. bes de,- «r tng a i«tter—The uew m n g?m i.t s <ies rv.‘.g <d Um bc-st wi-b<g f r socc sa «mi ia« patnuuge oX tb pubi.o.