Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Slightly Off. [ARTICLE]
Slightly Off.
The Adrerlu*r is r..aking «n r gcnt plea to tbe cditor of ihe H* LOMr.\ a>kins him to regīster. The ••.*tensible** ed tor of tbe .t< rrf?Vr ev dentiy doesn t kn»w •vh»t be is talLir.g «bout. Tbe Holohua b>s ncvcr »dvocated r» g str*.t-on or advised tbe j»eople to \ote. We bave e nsfant!y and j« i>i-tently ccnnsellcd tbe Hs- \\ iii ins to m.iue np tbeir rninds o ti;e fact tbat the destinv of tl»e r coui.try is iu lbcir own »uds, and lbat tbev mnst not <0 >k for f re gn help if they re»lv desira lo rnn tbeirown governmeitt.
Tiro iu- fliods scemcd feasible in this erotrge cy. Oue was to iigiit aii.l tbe otber wa? to rcg sl-r :.uil vote. It J8 foliy lcft to tbe Hawaii .ns to de i.le w hieh uf tbe iu > mcas res tbey wiil adopt. U e bf»ve g t n > prefereoce in tbe uial'in becui.se we l>e!ie\e that lbe Uawaiians wiil eome out victorio :> in botb mstances. lf 111e Hiiwaiians bad madc ep t cir iiiind> to go to tbe j>olls we l*c i* ve that tbey wou!d bave heen alile to control lbe next egi>I <tnre. If tbey conc!aded tbat figbting \vas tbe best we feel >snrcd th t llie ll.LOO could >weep the 2.000 into tbe sea, as Mr. Gresham |> easnntly snggest(l t i certain Hawaiiuna u sborti while ago. We are indined to| ; l» liere tbnt tlie strength of the j r<>VHlists is to be f <u«d in p< .11 - 1 t<cs and polit eal intr gue. The i r< forni party had cv> rything its wn \vny in 1887. In 1890 they w< rt> tauglit a lcssou. Tbev have evcntliing their own wuy to day. V n ontn fiom now the ba]lo(s i>igbt havo to!d a diflcrcnt Ule. Huwever the j>eople bas m ide up tii>ir minds not to cnter into tbe ) <>iitical «reija. Tme will sbo\v, if they aro corrcct In tlio mean t ine we presnrae tbat tbey have 'lee ded to uso tbe other nItornative and we ba\( no donbt tbat 'lioy will bo eqn«Uy snccessfal in tbnt enterprise.
As far as tlie e.litor o( this j>:.per is eoneemeel the Advertiser <»nght to know that uuder AIr. l>ole’s constitation he c«nnot r» gistor or heeome a voter. Con-; tr «ry to juatice, decency and all | i l»eral prinei|»les \vefind ourselves disfr«nchised after eleven veurs n s denco and deprived of t e rip;lit t-» vote wliieh we liave: »*xercised for oight years. \Ve
|exp*ct th« A<herliser to retr»ct the rcti<*ctions cast ou us for the " 'ke of tr»th. It is uot the lmbit of the Holomi a to preacb one one and nct another. The A>hirfiser editor has evi d< ntly never sudtied the constitut;on If lie had he would bave known lln»t the Dole-Hatch eli-i »jiu* h is fixed thiugs in a munner whieh g vts a rnost i<bsolute pow- 1 er to tiie govornraent. The nat'ves ean v.>te, un lonbtedly. bat is far us foreiguers aro eoneem <h1 only tbose who ».re j>er*onae gruhtf wit|i the repnblic ean ex- * rcise the frunchise. The halp’<"snesa nnd eowanliee of the ■ fr.»mers of the constitution have I been amply il!odrated by sncb < »n outtYf measnro. They d.red < ».ot m ko their republic dej>en- < .1-Bt ou popular s.!pj)ort. Thev , 8tole the n»;ue of a republic and l tiiod witb their stolen goods to ■loak a most contemj\tible, a liypoor»tic«l and outrageous oli- 1 ' ,rc h\. lon change tbe consti i>ition, Mr. A<tvfTi{*er, and make
ai d simpie, and tbere wi|| be no nccv>sity to drmu up people for r ‘fiistratiorR. From tbe editor of tbe Holohla t> the • , dev»r’ tbey will «11 be tbero. _ |
Harry Miller of P«ntheon fui e b«s eojoyed a well e*rned vac«tion «td looks A1 »g«in. He uow disp« nses the f«moos Enter ; pris<* beer whieh invjgor«te8 the bwi . v snd cnres nll dise«ses, even AdixHmr Aoie. . ' >.• ■:■.- • .... ' j
J. J. W»llums the popnl* r photoftn) her bas Ukea a sh »t «t prcs»dcut Dole aod lbe pH}ture is oa <xbibmun in tbe eiado« of i a Huaniiao Xewg Co.t.p*ny Nion» on Mercb«nt St The pre«idu..t looks «ell «nd holds m bis Laud u uoeuoieul iuuk.ug Uke lbe Scbuttju?n clnb niiimaium. Tbe doe( uu Lhe ub«e m je4*6Uo.