Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

t wd ■a c c e«*yrj<)ir.Si. V i-4 iT’SflTOSSUP Sometimos where to go to porchnse nny pnrticnlar article, bat| not if you happeu to want any tbing in the line o( £uppUes, Pictiue P?ames. or enlnrged portraits. there is but one plaee iu Honolaln. tc pnrolmse >iil nrmt»*rials. and K1NG BROS.' Store. for wh;ol;| lhere ia no rival on thes* Islauds. The fincst paintings in Hawaii J are on exhibition iu this gailery The firm makes a specialty ot enlnrging portrait.s as well aa mnkiug picture frames in tbc vory lutcst styles of moaldings. In the sheet pictnros. thei hav«> Hinnaanda to aeleek from (I whieh they invite an inspectio{ at auy time. KIXG BROS-, Hotel Streot, : : : IL>nolalf ang 2ō-lmdly. Removal! Hustace Qq\ HAVE MOVED TO — Morgan’s - Auelion - Room| (or • »bort lime \V« wmUII *elllii( Departure Bay COAI CHARCOAL, Af,GEROBA and KIKOLINO WOO| io any <]oantlly. Both Te!«pbooe« 4l( •a4 POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Noliee !k !»««!,>• K -jr;a to ail jvr*on-t i lh«re »re ,«t tu*- U <(»rDus«al Poaod il >1 kiki, t«o »tnvnl balU. 1 bltek b| br»a<ied Ron ngbt bin<( let{. i pioeo Lf brao<l indkehtMbie ou — • •■ ■ lejf Anj p «nuu or penuw o«ing Hmm bc ire rMn«iil«i! to euuw *■<•! Uke Iho huw | ur b«fure 12 o'eloek noen, SATL'HD' SEPT. 15. (>»». J WIES KUK | i’oa a»! Mnkiki. \og. 30. I8M. aa»30-l> Pioneer 8hlrt Facto| E3TABU5H£D ISS7. A. M MELL18. Proprietor I • | 5IS Fort St., Hon'Oola, ;Up*toir»> Goo.;| CoNSOUDAT?,D f»«*DA WATEB . (Lxarrr«o.) ESP LAN ADE C«r. 4U«a «■< Fort m». ; > IIOLLlSTER * CO. F0B SU£. 4 PTVE “ UIDNIUBT *» tiTJ eoli baluo2>ng u> P. D TU wiU *«■ a ŪM P4XT11£UiN dT ’ ixam I