Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSALVES AU*»ts Krrpe ob H«hi * Sapp!» of ttxr V«tt Best Pioneep Soap In Cwm of-W.. 42. 50. •» «cd 70 Bar» c*. h; THIS aOAP IS THE Fiaest īmported Here. j 8PECLVL PRICES FOR 5 CASES IX LOTS. .118. SINSLĒV i CO.\rS Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SKEI Xam<!y: |BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley's OLD Blended Glenlivet GLH ,NION Extra, Specia 6LENLI0N SPEC1AL LIOLELK -w SCOTCH \VHISKEY. tres —; FURN/TURE ŪEALERS. Be£ to infonn tbe puhlio tb»t tbey havt opened a Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., Whcre they carry a eoniplele llne of BEDROOM ?ETS. CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, STANDS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Fnrniturt' liepn'n il aiu] Oenenil .lohhlnn at Hemnnahle I!at«». VIKG FAT CIIAN, Factory, comer of King and Bethel Street». ! sept 6-3ms lo\/eJo,y &co, WfjoIegale Wiqe \ I Liquor ūealei^ h 19 Nuuanu Street i We would call"y«>ur ottention to 4 Our Special Brands I a i i Longlife <% Pure Cream t RYE WHISKEY. ' I il ; n Fredericksburg BEER ■ K au2 in casks or bottlep
Y. LUM SING, Deaier in Fraits nnd Groceries. Fresb Fraits by Every Caiif«<rnin Steamer, Eresb lsland liutter from Haw.iii. 135 Fort Street. Coffee Bo>sted. P 0. Box 169 Fresh island Produce, Goods Dehvered to Any P»rt of tbe City. j v 21 • Chas. T. Gulick N0TARY public For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Aoknowledgment8 to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenaes. Honoiola, OaLa, Agentforthe Haw’n Islands ol Pnr A Scott’s Freight and Parcels Expresa. Agent for the Bariingtoa Koate M Estat8 Mer mi 5wsi Bell Tel, SiS; Mat Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE; No. 38 MRECHAM1 8 ixmi Hoaoiuittj H. I ’