Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I GONSALVES Kwpj on Bud k S#ppJī . ! of tbe T«j ,BestPioūfer Soap ! lDCua<rf*l.. 43.50, « «a4 Bspt e*ct | THIS !SOAP IS TIIK Fiaest Inportsd Hero. 8PECLM. PRICES FOR i CASES 15 L0TS. ! v_ 1k MY 4 C0HFS | Ceiebrated Brands of SC0TCB W1I1SKEY Xamely: * i BEN ALDOCHLAN */ Ainsley’s 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NI0N Extra, Specia 6LENLI0N |SPECIAIL1QUEUR SC0TCH WH1SKEY.| i?ss N/'INa-!-p AI-:. CH A N > —: FURHITURE DEALERS. Beg to inform the pahlie th»t tbev have opened a Brauch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., \Vhere they carrr a eomplele Une of ! BEDROOM ?ETS, CHaIRS. TABLES. WARDROBES, STANDS, Ele., Etc., Etc. Furntture Kejim recl aml Grnera1 JobblnK at Rea«onabIe Kate«. 1 VING FAT eiIAN, Factory, of King and Bethe! Streeta. s.Vt 6-3ras lo\/eJcW &C0* i WjjoIegalE ’iyrje Li^ūoi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We woulel eall y"iir attention to Our Special Bratids Longlife Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in c*8k8 or b< t*l»*8 Y. LUM SInG, j Dealer in Fruits .-ind Groeeries. j Fresb Fruits by Every Cai»f<.rn«M Ste»mer..:/ Ere*<li lsinnil Butter fr<*in H-w ii. 135 Fort Stie°t. ’ C«>fibe Bo »tfd. P U. Bkx 169. Fresl» islan<l Produce, Goods Delivered to Any P»rt of the | City, jy21 j Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLIC ■ For the Island of Oaha. , Agent to Take Acknowle<lgnaen:B . to Labor Contracta. ! Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honolala, Oaha. | Agent for tlie Haw’n I«l«nds o! Pm & Scon a Freigbt and Parcels £xpress. i Agent for tbe Borlington iioute 8eal Ēstal8 Msr aH Oeaenl k<% Bell Tcl. 348; Mul. T«l. |t»a- p. O. 415„ UFF1CE: No. 38 MEEOHAN 1 ) Street Houoiaia H. i