Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ZThr 5lo!omua (talfndar. V / SEPT. 14 1894. kokiii.i ntti. *cbvicc. Stc**’ , 8hip<' will Ieave for *nd arr vc { ro m Sao Fr*ncisco *nd other foreigt on or «>x«t the following d»tes Ull the eloee of 1894. T.t*vi Horounr Dr* at Ho*otrxr fX.fi Sa> F»ANCI900. Fm. Sa5 Pka5CTST on Vakcoca e*. o» Vancocvi*. An«tr*li* Jnne23 AoRtr»li* Jnne I' jj a »*i Jao®2wAr*wa Jnne2:. Wammoo Jnly 1 Maripo«» Jnly 5 i Anstruli* Jnly21 An«r*lU.... Jnly 14 AIikM* Jnly 30 " animoo.. .Jnly 23 Aniw* Aug. 1 Mooowai Aug. 2 Anstr*1ia Aug. 18 Vin»frali*... .Ang. 1 M«riposa Ang. 23 Ai*«* Ang. 23 Wwhoioo.1 A»anifl».... Aog. .»0 Anstra!i» Sepf. 15 Auilmli* Aepl. 8 ; Mono«ai....Sept. 22 Wamiu.o., .Lcpt. 23 Arawa ()ct. 3 Manpoaa Lept 27 Anamlia Ot. 10 Anstralia Oct. 6 Alameila Oct. 1S Arawa Oct. 23 Waniinoo.... Xi>v. 1 Mono«ai ....Oct. 25 Anstrhlia ...Nov. 10 Australia Sor. 3 Manpo«a... .Kor. 15 Al«meda.... Nov. 29 j Am«* Dec. 1 \Varrimoo.. .Nov.23 Australia Dec. 8 \nstralia Dec. 2 ; Monnwai ....Dec. 13 MHri{)o«a Dec. 20 ; Wummoo... .Dec. 30 .Ar*wa .Dec. 22 ; Australia Dec. 31 VCS*EI>S 151 PORT. ]KAVAL V*3W*U. HP M 8 t f yac'nth, May, E«<jamnlt, B. C. U S S ’ b«r1 mon Coffin, 8 F. II I O M 8 Maria, Callu > MERCHAXTMEX. Am lilctne 8 N Castle, Hnbh*rd. San Fntn. Ger bk Senta. Tiernunn, 1 iverpool. Schr W STulbot,B nhnm,Ne«castle N 8 W. 3* K P Rtthei, *or iuon, S F. Rktn» Plunter, Dn«. Lysan Islund. ]ik C D Brya it, Juool>sen, S F. Hk Veloeify. Murtin. (longkong. Schr Kol>rt Lewer», Ooodman, Wa hington Bk limuni, Rrown. New<«gtle, N S W. Atn bk Martha Duvid,Cetnux B. C. Am bk Ceylon, San Fruticis80o. O. s, s Anutruiiu, 8*n Fruncissco Sch Emma Claudina Nelson, Fuug's Isl. POR>:iU5 VESSELS EXPErTED. Am bk W 8 Pheljw Gruy’s Har Dne S. hr Allen A S F (Mah) due Scbr K'>bert Lewers... Gr y’H b'r Dne Rr ship Ormura Newcustle.... Ang. 20 SchrS . lie S F (Kuh).... Aug. 20 1) 4 08 8 Belgic Yokoh«ma.. Ang. 21 Bk t' D Bryaut 8 F Ang. 22 KMSSMuriposu .. ,Svdt.ey Ang. 23 |ik Q N Wileo* Middle«borough. Ang25 C ASS Arawu Vanoouver... Aug. 24 O s S Alniue.la S F Ang. 30 t’ A8 S \Vnrrimoo... .Svdney At»g. 30 F M S S (’hinn Suu Ftan....Sept. 3 Bktue J ’hn Smitb Newca-tle. .Sept. 4 Qer bk Pnul Isenberb.. Bremen... ,Nov. I B .rk K mtenbeck Liverpool.. .Nov. 23 FOK KAI-K. FINELY bre.l BCLI, tcrrier pup«. Enijuire .>f Wm. Woolhuu , ut DR. ROWATS’ Iufmnary, King stroet. sel-lra Suft soap inun’a Cocktail 5 cent* * g .69 *o!ti only to Balvations etc., Hall, Bcthel Street N. BREHAM. Bethel St. Mulual Tel. 814. aup 22 * UH^ĪOII — OF THE — IX PROBATE. i tbe matter of the e*tal* of R5s* M5lo, Ute of Uonolulo. Oahu. d«ea*od, tnn the readlng and flling thc petition of S N ANCY 8T1LLMAN o( said Honolulu. ging tb»t Ro?e Molleno of said Honotuln, 1 inte»tati' at »aid H.uiolulu. on tho 4th ..t Kebruarr. A l). S94. and praying that tei> of AdminlstratIon l**ue to her, »aid iot Stitlroan. _ , . ; lV ordert*d, tbat on FRIDAT. the SUt day iEPTEMBER. A. D 1894. be aod hervby i.iiointed for hearlng said pMMon. in tbe rtroom of IhU Court. at Honolnlu. at ieh (ime aud plaee all pcraon» concemed v aj.pe*rand »bow o«u»e. if *ny thev h*ve, » »«ld pctltloa »hould not be »n»ntcd. iated Uonolulu. H. ‘ COCRT^ BARLKS F. PE^EK^ON. Clerk • *ug. S5-Swdly. PANIHEON 8ALOON, FORT AND H0TKL 8TS. He3i(0irters Eelennu BK*iu Ce. —- TB» Largf>8l Cons)gnn»ent of B«*r tbat ever rtrr ved here, uow oo Draught jT 14 J. DODD. Prop‘r ISTOTICE. Iu fotu» *U EILL8 lor nodatlakiDg wili b i». ynfi§ ou prewti!auoo. w* »re oom* T>-i «e > n»soit lo M)i* mle, oo «oooum of 1 uiiQ(iitr to ouUeCt thc ma>)hty o{ oux ' : uJye)Ukiug biila afMr {uueral» are over. WHLIAM8 BBOS., ED. X. WILUAM8. ■ M t*p 45.