Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — CORRESPONOENCE. [ARTICLE]

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- ■■ Editor Holoml’a: Tbe Miuister of Einnnee presented t!ie folIowin" Ietter from . J. F Colburn; James A. Kino, Minister of Interior; SlR: Tlie nndersigned claims of tlie Hnwiiiinn Governraent th» sum nf |ō2.20 for four dav’s salarv as Mi nister of Inter or. wh eh 1 <>ffice tlie nnd rsigned filled frnra J:mutry 13th t> J.uiunry 17eli, 1893. and for whieh he bas not yet beeu paid. Yours respectbd!y JOHN F. COLBURN. Ye Gods and litt'e fishes! An•>ther example of pic«yune politicians who smnggled themselves into power ! M’e t ke b ick all on strictures on Mr. S E. Bishop onr the microscoi»icd minister His services to the P. G. and Thnrs ton on those days are certainly expensive at 152,20 (»>ot omitting the 20 cents) in ho ivens a private eheek in the nime of etern.d and infernal gratitude. Skylock. Ed;tor Holomua. Allow me spaoe for a few lines īu whieh I des re t» oorrect au rT‘meo .s inu>ress oncreatedin last n ght’s Star by a e >rrespond ut who sit>gs hiraself **Sportsra >n. M - T-> jndge from his letter he writps ou behalf of the H>moiu'u Sport s * man Associ >ti>m—1 b'g to state that no action has been t>ken on behalf of the associ>ti»n in regard t> thē Cuuuingham liceuse matter. —The p irties who prot»*sted againts the issnance of a new shooting Iicense to Cunninghara d d 80 in their indiv dual eipaeity; tbe association knows nothing >boot it. —Mr H. Whitney jr. who was one of the signers with drew his naine frora the pTotest »9 soon as he heard that the aff>ir was a matter of private spite and not an aelioo oftne association.— Hie Star correspoud-iit who «>ught t> sign hi«ose f “Counter-jnm oer” k v»ws ahout as mneh ab >ot shooting t.iat he do>3 ab >nt gent lemen and their qna!ific »tions. Lo nfber countries “»p >rts nen's HSsociati*>nsare not eomima-nl of deal«TS in flo0‘* cigirs ordn»wers. j —Otherqudificit ous are —As I le«rn that the '*prosec ited I shail make n > furtber reft>reaoe to this d b e matter. I on |y \> ith it t» be underst»od lhnt . l’.e ‘ «SS*ciation’’ had noUiin^i' 1 | do with tbe dīsgr «e ful persecuriH lion of Mr Cu iuinghjra. H. 8. A.