Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 Kepakemapa 1894 — HIS INNINGS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


| Billy Moves — This afternoon penal snmmons | J were served on W. M. Gitf»nL ' E. Mclnerny. C. L. Brown, S. G | M i!der, E Spa!ding and Henrr | iDavis, ali charged with “crimi- ; n«l conspiruey.” Tbe charge is madd by Mr. Conninghara and is cansed by a protest whieh the accnsed persons have filed with the minister of interior in whieh they pray tbat no sporting li- 1 ! cense be issned to him on alleged | charpes of pcaching and violation of the game laws. The case will be cal!ed iu the district j cnnrt to morrow morning. It is anderstood that Mr. Cnnning- i b«m will brir.g snits for daaiages | against eaeh and every one of the i “protestants” and take the necessary steps to secnre lymself j i*gainst any attempt of disposing I : of property now in possassion of ; i the defendants. J