Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
How many passport« will be stopped to-morrow ? The Ao.stralia carries away a large nuT)ber of katnaainas Tbe Eviuau Xeft this a!ternon for wiudwards. Mr. C. Creigbton left in the iviuaa for Lahaina on bngine=s. Long Life Whiskey is still to he front. The Anstralia leaves to-morrow for San Francisco. MarCries in pamphlet form «aa sold iu a lively manner by the salvdtion crowd last uight. Tim Murray is rather sarcastic towards tbu brilliant “chief’ of the Schnelzen club. Mossrs. W. H. Daniels and Churles Williaina were passengers in tbe Kinau tbis afbrnoon. Memhers of the American f.eugne anel the Verein were in ; deep conference at noon to-day Tho array drilled l«st nigbt ! The mtorest of the volunteers as ■ well as of the audience is heeoming vory sluck iudeed. L M. Johnson lute raanager of the raessenger-service bureau has been appointed chief-engineer of tbe dredger. Who has not yet bonght a '‘Woven wire” chair ? Register at oneo un Holel street and rest easy. Mr. Thurston leaves to-raorrow. He doesn’t go to Wasbingtoo. The elimale. under his present circurastnnces, would not agiee w:th him thoro. The 1. 1. S. N. Co . will not make raore than 100 peroent after seīling tbe Kaimiloa to the government, aud yet they are abused. o There will be an eclipse of the moon to night whieh according to the Advertiser will be partly jovisib!e. Is it a mattor of registration ? Boring for an urtesian well is taken plaee on the preraisescf Mr. C. M. Cooke on Beretaui« street. Tbe McCandless brothers are the contractors. Mr. W. F. Allen is having a residence erected on Kinau I street. Judging from its pre?ent ! .Hpoearaoce the buiiding will be I u creditable uddition to tbe nu- ! raerous elegunt mansions of the I privileged olass. The sulvation ar ny started in i last night. About 1000 people gattured on Palaoe Square and 1 listened t » the toin tomsof tbe j fanatics. Tbe interest in tlie i uine duvs wonder will not be of great endurance among our ensy-go-lucky populalion. May the “lassies” pr sper fiuancially in j their canse. 8piritoHlly ‘tbe | field wiil be found wanting. — J. J. Williams tbe well-known Artistic Pbctngnipber is muking a specialty of portraibs on Watoh Di*is «ud bilk Hundkerchiefs. Coroplete sets of Lantern si ides lectores ean be had at thegallery. For tbey are soid at a reasonable figure by the dosen or by the hnndred. *