Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 300, 13 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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rLlN 2ik> Mer* h»»i Str* oi. H ul« H .\Vr ."■*"rc. »«»•** Jr>ceJnf o)i(t J ewe' r v Mm -facture ta ord»'r ; V/ .|ohvs o>;<r mui rtj*nired i V, •i n ;• i d s f *f r 1 ! „ f>:^'<ET r Eyc,. »ror Kin- *ik! Atak«tftrc«U ;fsiaiinos-:- Ri*frKer.. Bv Every Btoascer fn'm NJti Francīs<», wHh Fresh U ruit, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry. Et.. Frc-, Et<\, Erc. *,t R. tv. 1 Hong Branch Establishment. Thi> Firsl-Clrtss B>thi ig R Sirt h;is h-!’!! enlarged ;uui is now t<» thv j>'ib'ic, It is tt»«* i»st j>*;»c* * ! on thv <!.iik1s t > e: j >v .1 B.itii. ,tml ! thcre '8 no beit«*r uhu'e t > l«y »»ff. ' Si>ec il ii('C'im;tn.d iti.ni- 8 f*>r d;es. Tr imc«r9 p ss the d r ovi ry : hiill’ liour, and »n S.'turff «y9 and | Sundays every fifteen in:mites. C. J. SHi RWOOD, jv 24 rMprietr>r. S. NISHIMJa5, Commission Mer.*hant, 19 Nnnaim Str,vt. Honomln. i \iPanTriN nf.AI.ERi lu •īaPAN tea dry (;oods. StLKS aad PROVI-i NS. X«*\v Gaod« by fvcry Sii'..inor. Mntr.nl T.!p' 50pt <1—tf. SM0KER3, ATTKNTlON. Mo!l ?fcr A C<>. have reCfiTcd a fnrther s pp!y of the celebrated G, 15. f> pipeidhxH t fn>m the factory as weli as a new ! |stoc:ot »mber aiul meerschnnm eigar: and c garette h k!ers. Als<> w«s malehp'. ♦ Murray I* el lo !m* > nunil Oh (he Oftl biRml, ,*Vo. | l Kia S St.—5||« R„v| JseHS a * CARHIAGE | ANl) l

, Goes On. When the **PEOPLT:S PARTy” gete smashed Lte will be rea<iy to . REPAIB PAlNī A»D ĪR1M If a fie-son»bIe F gare. Sn Eitra Charge for Farni3hiiig hem witb C muīoa Sense. PET THE5f E1NG t’P UUIUAL Tr.LEPHO:-E 572 ?*i *« Oirirx k h: j HORs E >HO£rxa 'Sāt P, - - *-i aii robu i » Aw* 3 * 4Ū-f V T;-